29 week pics, and 1 sweaty lady….

That sweaty lady would be ME.  Cor blimey, I’m BAKING! I love sunny weather, but this is just a little too hot. I feel like a typical moany Brit today……we moan about how cold it is in winter, blah blah, when’s summer going to start, then when we have some hot weather, we moan that it’s too HOT!! But it really is today….temps were supposed to hit 33 degrees in the South East. Boy did it feel like it. I sat in the garden in the shade for a little while this morning, and was going to go back out there after we’d been to the shops, but it was too hot….even in the shade! And all I was wearing was a black bikini top and skirt (as you can see in the pics!!). In the end all I could do was flop on the sofa, holding a handheld fan, sweaty disgustingly………….I don’t think I’d be this hot if I wasn’t pregnant!!

Anyway…..it’s been a lovely weekend. Just the two of us. I’ve eaten a LOT of chocolate. We’ve watched lots of my favourite TV – 24, Nip / Tuck, Big Brother, Lost, Friends, etc. Baby has been kicking and wriggling heaps.  Tonight we’re watching the series finale of 24 – it’s the last 2 hours of season 5 from 9-11pm. Mike is OBSESSED with 24….I love it, but not as much as he does! Got a really busy week at work coming up…..parent meetings and loads of other stuff. I hope to God it’s not this hot all week – the commute to London is going to be tough if it is.  3 weeks to go til I leave, and counting….

Here are 2 pics taken today – 29 weeks, 3 days exactly. My hair is a mess, and I’m not wearing any make-up, but heyho.

Front view….

Right, I’m off to eat some raspberry ripple ice cream………….

lots of love happycookie and mini-cookie (who also LOVES ice-cream – he wriggles loads after I eat some!!) xxxxxxxxxxx

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July 2, 2006

What a cute belly! 🙂

July 2, 2006

wow i haven’t been around your diary in awhile. I remember when you just found out about mini-cookie!!

July 2, 2006

awww your belly is huge…. its awesome……

July 2, 2006

*Random Noter* You are adorable!!! And I LOVE chocolate and Friends!! Take care!

July 3, 2006

Oh you’re so cute :o) if thats your hair on a bad day I can’t imagine a good one! But I’m biased.. I envy curls.. Glad you had a lushly weekend :o) I found it way too hot.. xxx

July 4, 2006

Thanks for the note – I’ve been told by a couple of people that they never got stretchmarks so you might be one of the lucky ones! Hope you’re coping with the commute in this weather, keep counting down the days! Sounds like you had a lovely, relaxing weekend. Those are great pics too :o)

August 15, 2006

you look blooming gorgeous there!!