27 wk pic, and other news :-)

Hi all,

Wrote an entry yesterday – took me bl**dy ages as it was so long – but then somehow managed to delete it before it was saved. GRRRRRRRRRRR!! So here I am again…………..

I’m 27 wks, 3 days now, and as you can see from the pic below, pretty big! Really love my bump. I love watching the little man wriggling and kicking in my tummy when I’m watching TV at night – it’s like watching a waterbed go up and down! I don’t know exactly what position he’s lying in, but I get most kicks on my right side or around my tummy button. It feels like he hardly ever sleeps….he kicks, punches and wriggles 24/7! He’s usually a bit sleepy in the morning (like his mum), but apart from that, he’s active most of the day! I love it – it’s so reassuring.

I don’t really feel him at night. My latest worry (this is very silly…..) is that I might somehow ‘squash’ him when lying on my side asleep at night. I AM A BERK. I know he’s surrounded in fluid and well-cushioned etc etc. But I’m always relieved when I feel that first sleepy kick in the morning!

Been thinking more and more about the birth. Get quite emotional thinking about it sometimes – I can’t wait to meet the little man! Am planning to play euphoric dance tunes during the birth – a strange choice, you may think, but when I used to go to the gym (in another lifetime……), I used to play fast dance music on my walkman to get me through the pain barrier when I was on the treadmill. So I reckon it’ll help me get through the pain of childbirth! In theory…….

Really into ‘Teardrop’ by Massive Attack at the mo as well – reckon that’ll be a good birthing song; been playing it on my ipod heaps. The video is so lovely – it’s of a little baby in the womb, and everytime I see it on one of the music channels I think of my little baby in my tummy. I can’t believe how much I love him already, and he’s not even been born yet.


What else? Oh, work sucks – 5 weeks til the end of term and I’m counting down the days. The kids are still lovely, and I’m still enjoying the teaching – it’s just my teacher’s assistants who are a pain in the arse. They all want to be the boss. But I’M the only boss. They often do stuff that’s inappropriate, that undermines my authority, but because I’m so bloody soft I let a lot of stuff go by. Anything for an easy life. But I wish I was more kick-ass. I don’t get walked over, but I loathe confrontation and do anything to avoid it. Which isn’t a great thing. Anyway….I’m learning to be tougher and speak up when stuff bothers me. It just doesn’t come naturally….

My friend at work, Sarah, who’s been weird with me ever since I found out I was pregnant, has just found out she has polycystic ovaries, which explains why she’s not pregnant yet – she’s been trying for 4 months. I don’t know much about this condition, but I’m pretty sure it’s treatable – she seems positive about it. Fingers crossed she gets pregnant soon – my pregnancy has certainly made things awkward between us.  

The commute to work is also getting tougher. It’s a 15 minute walk to the station, then 30 mins on the train (which is fine – I always get a seat), then a short tube journey (if I’m standing, no-one offers me a seat – Londoners are incredibly rude), then a 5 minute walk to school. I also spend a large proportion of the day on my feet. 30 infants are tiring at the best of times….let alone at 6 months pregnant. And this heat is NOT helping, even though I love summer! Anyway – enough moaning. I’m lucky that I can finish at 32 weeks – even luckier that my maternity leave doesn’t officially start til September!

Right, I’m ravenous so I’m going to have some lunch, then come back and do some note-ing. Off to meet my dad, mum and brother tonight at London Bridge for a father’s day dinner – think we’re going to have Thai! Yum!

lots of love, happycookie and my mini-cookie xxxxxxxxxx

27 weeks pregnant – taken last Thursday

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June 18, 2006

I found you through the diary circle, we’re pretty much exactly the same along. I’m 27 wks 4 days today! Congrats on your pregnancy!

June 18, 2006

Eeeeeeeeeee! It’s a mini-cookie bump!!!!! xxx

June 23, 2006

Your bump is lovely! Not too big, not too little. Enjoy all the baby wiggles before they become giant baby kicks and full body squirms. 🙂