24 weeks now. And my ass has grown

hey people,

Ok…as I was just starting this entry ‘Come What May’ from Moulin Rouge came on the TV….we had that as our first dance at our wedding cos the lyrics are sooooo romantic…and I’ve just dissolved into tears!!! Must be pregnancy hormones…..God I feel like a fruitloop!

Well, I finally reached the important 24 week mark last Thursday! It’s comforting to know that should MiniCookie be born now, he’d have a jolly good chance of survival. Good week at school – was counting the days down to yesterday cow now I’m on HALFTERM HOLIDAY!!  Yipeeeee……a whole week away from the kids and marking and all that jazz!! Lie-ins, here I come!!Been seriously tired this week actually – not as bad as it was in my first trimester, but I’ve been used to feeling full of energy and this week I just haven’t. I’m not sleeping well – I can’t find a comfy position with my ever growing bump and every time I wake up on my back I panic cos I read somewhere that you shouldn’t sleep on your back in late 2nd / 3rd trimester. Also, I have to get up to wee at least twice every night….sometimes as many as 4 times! Added to that, I’ve had a cold, so this week off has come at EXACTLY the right time!!!

Yesterday we (me & other teachers) went for a drink at the pub after school to celebrate halfterm. In the old days before pregancy I would have been the first at the bar, guzzling the wine and getting royally pissed. Yesterday I was reminded yet again of how dramatically things have changed. ‘Oh, are you coming for a drink as well?’ one member of staff asked me in surprise. Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t socialise! Then at the pub, sipping my diet coke, I felt quite uncomfortable cos it was smoky – and two members of staff who smoke very kindly didn’t want to smoke around me, even though they were clearly gagging for a cigarette. But that kinda made me feel like they were waiting for me to leave so they could light up. Anyway….I stayed for half an hour and then left – they were all planning a big night on the beers and I was going home to get into my pyjamas and watch Big Brother!!!! I’d much rather do the latter anyway…. Life’s changed but in a good way!

Had a few worries this week about the baby kicking. He’s been very active recently, particularly in the evening when we’re watching TV and relaxing……anyway, on Wednesday night I barely felt him move at all. I’d felt him a little bit in the day but not enough to reassure me everthing was ok….anyway even though I knew everything was probably ok I worried myself stupid all evening. I was tired and emotional and all kinds of horrid thoughts about dead babies were running through my mind. It was hideous. Mike thought I was being silly, and I was really – he was probably just asleep! I was thinking of ringing the midwife, but then when I went to bed and lay on my side he gave me a couple of kicks…..my relief was HUGE!! Since then every time I feel him move or kick, it’s like a huge relief….silly, huh?!  I can see it now – I’m going to be one of those mums who hold a mirror over their baby’s mouth a hundred times a day to check he’s still breathing…..!!

Anyway, better go – we’re off to lunch in a mo! Think we might be going to a noodle bar – yum! Will post belly pics tomorrow – I’m a BIG MAMMA now and yes, as stated in my title MY ASS HAS GROWN!!! How is this possible? Big boobs, big butt, big bump……WHAT’S NEXT?!?

love happycookie, aka Big Mamma and my gorgeouss little minicookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Don’t wanna sound patronising or anything but, as you probably know, its normal for baby to have active days and less active days. Sometimes he feels full of energy and other times he doesn’t, just like you from the sounds of it! My midwife never mentioned such a thing as a “kick chart” to me, but my sister said it was something she was advised to do when she was pregnant, and it features in…

… most of the literature I’ve read. The idea is to record the baby’s kicks, up to the first 10 each day, and by what time you’ve felt them Its a useful way of putting your mind at rest since it seems to be something you worry yourself about. I’m sure you’ll have a book or website that’ll tell you just how to make one? Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy anyway! XXX

Its perfectly normal to stress about the kicking, he was most probably having a little nap! And YAY for 24 weeks for minicookie and happycookie! *round of applause* Seriously, this diary is making me SO broody and SO determined to be an Obstetrician, I think I’ll just do the latter just for now though (LOL) Hugs! xxxxxxxxxxx

May 27, 2006

OH I still worry about kicks, but now I can poke her and she’ll wriggle around seeing as she is so big in there, but there are definitely lazy days and more active days–I worry on the lazy ones. My doc said to drink some juice, lay on your side, and try to count 10 kicks…also about sleeping on your back, it is a vein they cut off, but as long as you feel ok it is ok–but I still worry! 🙂

May 27, 2006

24 weeks already – OMG!!!! Awww im so pleased for you hun 🙂 Come What May is a beautiful song…makes me cry everytime so its prob normal!!hehe Love love xxxxx

May 27, 2006

Yay for 24 weeks! I know I breathed a sigh of relief when I hit that marker too.

May 28, 2006

Stressing about baby kicks is totally normal. Sam used to move all.the.time when I was at work in the morning, then he’d have a snooze in the afternoon and go nuts at night. Your mini-cookie will probably start its own little routine pretty soon. 🙂