
Yo yo,

Having a lovely lazy Sunday! My tum has swollen to the size of a basketball-pregnancy bloating, or due to the 5 stone I think I’ve put on over the last couple of weeks?! Hmmmm……

Did another cheapo test yesterday and a clear (but still faint) line came up, so I’m assuming for now that I am indeed carrying a little Cookie! Just got to get to 12 weeks and I can start to get really excited……… However-signs so far are good (fingers crossed)- my porn-star nipples are back, I’m permanently tired and had just a hint of nausea this morning! Whoppeeeee!

I was going to upload holiday pics from Tunisia, but I’m too lazy…….sorry.  However, they’re all on my Facebook page, so if you want to see them, that’s the place to go…..just let me know and I’ll add you as a friend!

New Years Eve tomorrow! We’re going over to London to a house party with some of Mike’s friends. Eek! No booze for me!  I don’t really want to tell them that I’m pregnant yet so I’m going to have to make up some excuse for not drinking. This is the problem with being a known party girl-the minute you stop drinking, people suspect something! Arrrggghhhhh!

William’s sleep has been baaaaaaaad recently. Will my little angel ever sleep through the night? He wakes at least twice during the night, and is usually up at 6am ready to start the day. I’m trying to cut down on his nightime milk feeds, because I’m worried they’re affecting his daytime appetite. And I know he doesn’t need milk in the night really-it’s just habitual and he has a really strong milk/sleep association. The question is: how do I break that association? Is there any way to do it without resorting to CIO or CC? I’m sooooo not going there. I could NEVER put him in his cot to sleep without giving him a milky drink to get him drowsy-but I think other mums probably are able to do that. Not something I’m fretting about too much, and I’m sure he’ll crack it one day…..but man alive, what I wouldn’t give for an unbroken night’s sleep!

Ok, I’ve caved, here are a couple of Tunisia pics:

Me on a camel:

William as one of the locals.

Eek! He’s woken up, so better shoot………

lots of love,

Happycookie xxxxxxxxxxxx

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December 30, 2007

You could tell them that you started a new medication and strickly forbids drinking! 🙂

Oh how cute!!!!!!!!

December 30, 2007

Use antibiotics as an excuse for not boozing! How about trying to just offer William a bottle of water when he wakes in the night instead of milk? When Jake was sick and waking for milk in the night, we broke the habit pretty quickly by just offering water.. he wasn’t happy but caught on pretty quick that it wasn’t worth waking up for! Do you really want him to start sleeping through? Because then you’ll get all used to it and your second cookie will show up & rock the boat… ;o)

William is so handsome. 🙂

December 30, 2007

I agree, blame it on strong antibiotics which forbid alcohol!!! William is so gorgeous hun although Mike looks a little scary in that last pic!hehe Bless 🙂 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! xxxxxxxxx

December 31, 2007

Love the pics, esp William as a local, lol! Antibiotics is a great excuse for not drinking. Hope you have a great New Years, even sober :o) Good luck trying to get the sleep thing sorted. When Angelo has really crap nights, I keep reminding myself that one day he’ll be a teenager and I’ll probably be complaining about the fact that he does nothing BUT sleep ;o)

January 3, 2008

Not only does Mike look scary in that photo, William actually looks scared. But how cute does he look in his outfit?? xxxx

January 11, 2008

Aw! What a cutie!

January 11, 2008

Oh, btw, what is a stone? How many pounds is a stone?