
* We move a week tomorrow and I have packed nothing! Yikes.

* William woke twice last night but was easily soothed back to sleep. He woke up at 5.50am ready for food- a vast improvement on 4.30am!

*He has discovered his toes! It is so so cute to see him find them and hold them. Awwww. I also spent a loooooooooong time blowing bubbles for him yesterday. He loved it.

* We now have baby rice in the house and will give it a go on Saturday. All my mummy’s instincts say now is the right time.

*I’m still getting up in the middle of the night to pump. I can’t help myself. I think I may have a problem. Hi, my name’s Clare and I’m addicted to my breastpump.

* Definitely still thinking about cloth nappies; once we’ve moved I’m going to go for it I reckon.

* Childminding course was brilliant last night. I’m so excited about this. I think I’m going to love being a childminder. It’s so me.

* I have sold no Usbourne Kids Books yet. Need money. Fast. If I don’t make £100 in 12 weeks I have to return all the stock. Eeek. Any of you mums out there want some gorgeous kids books? I’m setting up a website tomorrow and I’ll let you know the link…..

* So-called ‘crunchy moms’ piss me off. Why do they have to ram their opinions down your throat? Breastfeed til your kid is 7, wear the kid in a sling til they graduate, don’t vaccinate, spit on people who don’t co-sleep, whatever, I really don’t care.There are some seriously opinionated people here on OD. Naming no names……

* Opinionated people piss me off. Can you tell?

* I myself have some strong opinions on things-childcare being one of them- but I keep them to myself unless asked as a) I don’t want to offend anyone and b) why should I ram them down people’s throats?

*  I want to go on holiday. But we have no money. Hurumph.  

* I’m really hungry. What shall I eat? Answers on a postcard……..

Love Cookie xxxxxxxxxxxx

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I’m glad your course went well! Lets just hope you manage to sell all your books now! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. X

January 30, 2007

Babies look so cute when they find their toes :o) I don’t like people shoving their opinions down other people’s throats either. Obviously it’s because they’ve got nothing better to do and can’t possibly just mind their own business :o) Good luck with the baby rice on Saturday!

January 30, 2007

I wanna go on holiday too. Im desperatly trying to think of ways round it!!! I totally agree that opinionated parents are irritating beyond belief!! Im so glad your course went well babe. If you lived closer I would happily let you childmind my two when youre qualified! xxxxxxxx

January 30, 2007

PS – Let me know the link when youve done it cos im interested 🙂 xxxxxxx

January 30, 2007

Ooh I like bullet-note Cookie. She’s feisty! C’mon, I want to hear your opinions on things. I need to hear someone else rant now I’m deliciously satisfied with my own. I have this urge to chime in on other people’s complaints now!!! ;o) PS – how can you be addicted to a piece of sucking plastic? Yuck! Give it up and get some sleep woman!

January 30, 2007

this has nothing to do with your entry but I noticed you like America’s Next Top Model, too…I am so excited about another season starting soon!

Ugh I hated pumping… I didn’t miss that part of bf’ing at all! I know what you mean about people shoving their opinions down your throat as if they are facts. No thank you. Then again, this is your diary, so you should feel free to say whatever you want. 😉 Ari recently discovered her feet, which makes changing her diaper much more challenging. 🙂

January 30, 2007

*yawn* crabby here. crunchy moms do it right. didn’t you know that they know the right way to do absolutely everything? kidding – yes, the ones who are too vocal drive me a little nutty.

January 30, 2007

Awww, I love babies playing with their toes! I can’t wait! Good Luck with getting ready to move, I’ll be doing that soon myself… 🙂

January 30, 2007

lmao at your rant about crunchy moms! i totally agree!

January 30, 2007

mmm baby rice is yummy! i used to eat my little brothers when he was a baby lol. glad the course is going well.

thank god ive never been attacked by the crunchy moms, but ive seen it happen to others and it isnt pretty. ..Hi my name is clare and im addicted to my breastpump..LOL!