been a while Quickening June 6, 2005 well, Life is great. I don't know what else to say right now. I am in love. My show is almost over, and that makes me happy. I will try to update soon.
Not much to Say Quickening April 19, 2005 Well, I don't realyl have all that much to say tonight. I just feel like I haven't written for a while and I don't want to get out of the habbit. Listneing to Chara. It is nice. 🙂
mae Quickening April 15, 2005 So, one of my new favorite bands to listen to is a band called MAE. I love them. I have all of their cds and they are really great. plenty of upbeat stuff, but also a lot of acoustic and piano stuff that is mellow and absolutly beautiful!. I am really loving it. I am…
Tim pt 2 Quickening April 2, 2001 The story starts here Ok, so I kinda got onto other tangents with my diary, and posting everyday stuff, but now I am going to get back to the main purpose of it (as it stands now) of helping me work through my guy issues. So... to pick up from last entry... Tim (my pastor)…
A smooth performance… Quickening March 30, 2001 Well, last night' show went really well. I felt a whole lot more comfortable about all the cues and such. I would still like a standby, but it seemed like last night even though i didn't always get one, it was just not freaking me out as much. maybe becasue so much other stuff has…
AIDS… Quickening March 29, 2001 I have grown up Among dancers. My mother was a dancer, I have been a dancer myself. In this profession there tends to be a little more of a trend towards the homosexual side of things among the men than in most other venues. I have absolutely no problem with this. In fact, I have…
Funeral Quickening March 28, 2001 Well, Today was the funeral for my coworker's mom. We closed the Bakery so we could all go. Although, one of my bosses couldn't be there because her mother was so sick. She had been getting better, but last night she got worse. I just hope that I don't have to go to another funeral…
What I want to do before I die Quickening March 27, 2001 -Own every single Edward Norton movie (He is so fine ass!) -Move into my own apartment in which all my furniture consists of footons and very large pillows -Live with my best friends -Become a Stage Manager (and get paid for doing so) -Have a ceramic studio in my garage -Choreograph "Hard Knock L...
Lonely Quickening March 27, 2001 This has nothing to do with the entry, but does anyone know how to make my entries centered, and how to add pictures? I have seen it done on other diaries. Ok, so tonight I feel very melancholy. I got off work today at four and I slept until seven. I was supposed to go…