Here’s to another?

This week has been interesting. It has been draining, exhilarating, confusing…just to name a few.

Draining: I have been in my current position for about 6 months. This week has been the most draining work week so far. Why? I think it’s because I know come Monday, I will be introduced to a whole new perspective of this job and I’m genuinely anxious. It’s almost like my mind is prepping for this sudden shift. Even as I’m typing this, my heart is racing thinking about what’s in store for me.

Exhilarating: As much as I have been stressing out this week, I have also felt a lot of positive emotions. This is all thanks to him. I can’t explain the feeling I get when I look in his eyes. It’s almost as if time stops and everything is okay, at least for the moment. We found ourselves alone this week. We kissed, and kissed. Then kissed some more. I couldn’t resist. Excuse my vulgar language, but I haven’t been that horny in a long time. I found myself guiding his hand lower, and lower…starting at my breasts slowly going down to my…..anyways.  It’s actually crazy how quick my body is to react to his touch. Exhilarating. Again, my heart is racing as I’m typing this. Funny right?

Confusing: I told him I loved him this week. What the hell is wrong with me?? Don’t get me wrong, I meant it….but I wasn’t supposed to openly express that! Going back to my other entry, can you love two people at the same time? I guess you can. How fucking confusing is that? Very. Am I talking to myself right now? Maybe. I feel like Hannah Montana, living a double life. I’m not bragging about it either. This love shit can really mess people up. It’s like having a devil on one shoulder telling me something, and an angel on the other saying the opposite. Confusing!!

Despite all of these intense feelings, I guess I can say I had a good week. If anything, it was quite memorable. I wonder what next week will bring. Oh wait, Monday is payday!

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