Sorting today

good morning dudes and dudettes so like I said I’ll tell yall about sorting at my job so we go into f8 which is the sorting room and we sit at a conveyor belt fill a machine with whichever strain of bud we are working on turn it on and let the machine trim off any excess sugar leafs let the bud flood the conveyor belt and we sort big buds to little buds or A&B buds and C buds the A&B buds get used for like 8th and once at the dispensary and the C buds are used for pre rolls and extracts I’m assuming  we also have an extracts bucket so if any of the buds we look at have mold or rot we put it into there so they can turn it into extraction so while we sit there and sort on this little conveyor we get to listen to music so we are always having a fun time dancing and sorting and talking a bunch of shit it’s a great time and not as loud as bucking but that’s all for this morning more tonight prabably about feeling or w.e idk yet we shall see peace out bitches ✌️

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July 25, 2023

Rave music and “I like where we are, when we drive in your car….” 😂