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 OMG, I was so going to come write about how I was jumping out of my skin, craving warm chocolate chip cookies and sex, and how much of a giant slacker I am… and then the day ended.


ha ha.


and a bunch of crazy ass work hell is coming down the pike for tomorrow morning.


they better not interrupt my writing schedule. ha

Also, if you’re intereseted, I just posted 4 Blue Blue Dress entries… so feel free to go back and read them if you have been following along. It’s been over a year. I suck!




 Have a dream you want interpreted? Click here to find out how!


    Take a sneak peek at my website in progress!


  Last Words (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)

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June 28, 2010

happy to say i’m all caught up on ur entries… warm choc chip cookies and sex sounds great right now… damn lol

June 28, 2010

I’m planning on reading your Blue Blue Dress entries tonight when I get home! I can’t wait for the distraction. As far as the card from Allen – I’m not sure what I feel or what I want to feel. I’ve been trying to form some type of letter (rough draft #1) to send back but all I have is a blank piece of paper sitting infront of me. What do you say after 20 years when he wrote you…nothing?

June 28, 2010

cookies and sex – always a good idea!

omg warm chocolate chip cookies and sex!? how come i’ve never thought of that combo, it sounds aboslutely amazing right now, haha!!! but, cookies first, or cookies after? hmm….

June 28, 2010

Entry acknowledged.

Mmm warm gooey cookies sound good. Re: Sometimes yes. I agonize over the details more than putting them into motion at the moment though. In a few weeks it’ll be three months until the big day… I’m not even financially ready for a lot of it. So I’m worried, but at the same time I think I have too much faith it’ll turn out flawless. It makes my head want to explode really…

And how are YOUR plans going? Any luck or word about that douchebag? Do you have a date in mind?

June 29, 2010

Ewww. Worooooooork.

June 29, 2010

I hope you got at least one of the two before the day ended. Both would be excellent. I got some chocolate chip cookies last night, no sex though.

Mmm…might make some warm brownies tonight.

July 2, 2010

cookies and sex. My kinda heaven.