Yes, I shall bitch. you read? your fault. *e 4!
Some people on this site are idiots and morons. I could live without EVER getting notes if I have to tolerate the bullcrap I got last night. I’m glad that I can block these people from reading me because they are, in my opinion, giant idiots and I’d very much like them to never cross my path again.
I am not in a good mood.
I think that all this "yay our first black president" talk just makes race an even bigger issue. Oh the progress, as far as I’m concerned, isn’t happening until the color of the skin doesn’t have a factor AT ALL. It just makes me fucking sick. And for those that don’t know, I am black. It means nothing to me that he’s of mixed racial background. so am i. so the hell what. All this hooping and hollering and the rest because of his skin color makes me want to vomit.
I don’t like his policies. and his "change" is not what I support. I am going to, for the sake of all things democratic, not be a total hater and wait patiently to see what will come of it. I can only hope that the most radical of his beliefs will not totally cripple us. And hell, if they happen to work, then I will concede that I was wrong. However, it really sucks that he basically gets a free pass to do WHATEVER he wants because the senate and house are all democratically controlled too. It’s gross and horrible and I’m just glad that in a few years we can flip that balance if it’s needed.
California just sucks. I hate the politics here. These people annoy me and make me ill.
I’m sickened by my state and the ballot ammendment results. Especially 4. It’s disgusting. I don’t understand how any parent can just … bypass the principle of that. And I really think people didn’t read shit about it because it makes sense to me. I swear, if I ever have a daughter I want to move out of this godforsaken state. Now I understand why my dad hid us out in the middle of nowehere. It’s the only way to have any say or control over anything that is a family issue.
that ENRAGES ME. How dare this teacher tell my son to hate Bush and like Obama and to support or not support propositions. How dare they take it upon themselves to push THEIR opinions on MY CHILD on things that HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH LEARNING HOW TO READ, DO MATH, WRITE, OR LEARN ABOUT BASIC HISTORY AND SCIENCE.
how fucking DARE THEY. It is not their place and it makes me really mad.
I’m sickened by a lot of things today.
It’s fucking bullshit.
People are crying and sobbing all over work and acting like true idiots.
I wonder, will there be yells and screams of voters being disenfanchised and results not being counted properly?
because, unfortunately, the only people who whine and complain are the ones who don’t know how to lose.
I suppose us Republicans know how to lose. Or perhaps we just know when we’re beat and screaming and yelling just makes us look crazy. Of course, when the other side does it, it’s not whining at all. it’s an outrage, oh horror and damnation!
And if, for whatever reason, you read me and you know I read you and you suddenly don’t like me. Please tell me so I can STOP reading you and block you too.
I’m out.
*E: PROP 4: It kept getting called "Abortion limits"… but it wasn’t. It was simply requiring that MINORS be required to notify their parents, or in special circumstances (abusive homes) an alternate adult that they were going to get one. It didn’t say they COULDN’T get one and didn’t say they HAD TO tell a parent that would hurt them or whatever. I’m sorry, but if my daughter wanted to get one and she didn’t have to TELL ME It would make me ILL. and it DOES MAKE ME ILL. It’s bad enough our children even find themselves in that situation. but heaven forbid they be PUNISHED with a baby (in the kind words our our new president)… fucking goddamn it. PUNISHED by a baby? really? lovely choice of words. I’m so glad that the poor animals i just want to eat are more important than a fucking baby. cuz a baby is PUNISHMENT if you’re an irresponsible little dumby who SHOULDN’T BE HAVING SEX IN THE FIRST GODDAMNED PLACE. but who cares about morals, lets just pitch those out the window with the rest of our common damn sense.
I am not saying abortion should be illegal. I’m saying it should DEFINITELY be more structured in the information that is given to those considering it, and the policies surrounding it’s execution, ESPECIALLY when minors are concerned should be stricter (and i don’t want to have to pay for it. let some private non profit collect funds to pay for that. it’s not fair to make my tax money a part of that shit). If a woman is going to do it, I don’t want to say "ok, you have no choice"… but seriously…. a 14 or 15 year old being able to make that decision and not have to tell ANYONE? horrible. immoral. awful. (I call myself pro INFORMED choice with a personal believe in life, ha)
I think people are crazy. Seriously crazy. I’m just mystified at how easy it can be for people to make ignorant and uninformed choices without a second thought. I don’t think people are told ENOUGH before they make that choice. AND ESPECIALLY if a baby is viable outside of the womb. that shit sickens me. it sickens me that they have abortions that are legal where a baby is BIRTHED and if it, for some reason, is ALIVE they just want to be able to just LET IT DIE because it was SUPPOSED to be dead. that’s just horrible. but heaven forbid a litter of puppies is aborted. jesus christ, we’re going to hell.
I’m ranting. I must stop. the idiots will come and leave me notes I don’t want. And I’ll have to rip my eyes out.
I agree. And I like your last two paragraphs, especially.
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What was 4? I’m not in California remember?
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i hear ya sweetie, I hear ya.
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what’s number 4? wow I would be really pissed too if my kids teacher was spewing political shit at his/her students.
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I hate that race has been made such an issue. I’m sorry if I offended you by anything I’ve said about it, but it really just bothers me. The issue isn’t that he’s black or he’s white… it wouldn’t matter if he was marroon or pink! It bothers me that all people can talk about is skin color when the issue is ISSUES.
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I completely understand your point of view. The preoccupation with Obama’s race is an indication that we really haven’t come that far.
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No teacher anywhere has any business spouting politics to students. If the students ASK, I think it’s okay when they’re older – Phillip had some ask him, “Who will you vote for and why?” and he told them, but I would complain SO much if any teacher tried to tell my kid what to think like that, especially little kids! It’s sick.
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What was 4? Also, while Dems have control, they don’t have enough control to stop filibuster, which is good.
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I was just told in a note that it was obvious I was racist and was trying to prove I wasn’t racist by stating that skin color shouldn’t matter and arguing that.. I’m not racist. what the heck…
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I might message him too. He needs to be told that he rocks for having an opinion he actually THOUGHT about.
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Wow, I was so moved by your entry – hearing about the teacher incident made me SO MAD for you!! In truth I can’t say much about Obama since as I don’t live in the US, but I feel the same way as you when you said: “Oh the progress, as far as I’m concerned, isn’t happening until the color of the skin doesn’t have a factor AT ALL”. Especially here in South Africa – we need more people like you!!
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i read. and i respect. =] that’s all i’ll say. hope your day gets better!!!
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You aren’t ranting – you’re letting off some steam – Hey you’re allowed – it’s your diary. I respect you alot more for coming out and speaking your mind, then keeping it all inside. K
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wow… I agree with you… LOVE
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you tell ’em sister. i’m right there with you. i’d be willing to concede being wrong if he turns out to be a good choice. otherwise, i stand by the fact that i didn’t vote for him.
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OMFG isn’t it illegal for a teacher to push their values on to young children? Isn’t there at least some policy in place? If I were a parent, I would definitely make my opinion heard on that. My gawd!!!
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I think i suddenly love you. 😛 seriously tho, you want bad with this Obama stuff, you should have been down in Chicago with me last night for the rally. Anyone who says race wasn’t an issue here in this campaign is just fooling themselves.
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last week my kids were learning about the elections but at the same time they couldnt even have a halloween party. that is BS! if religious beliefs are against school policy, politics should be too.
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Here here. I admit I did chooes Obama because of certain issues that are important to me, but I agree with you completely about the whole think on race, and with the stance on abortion. As education is something very important to me, I’m as disgusted as you by what that teacher did… no excuse for that at all.
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sounds like you’re just too sensible for this hateful, impulse-driven world we live in. it must suck to be so fair and balanced and want your kids to get a worthwhile education and grow up in a decent country. why can’t you get with the program and start slinging hatred and intolerance along with the rest of us. (sarcasm implied)
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