Yay for Free!
So a little while ago I got a call from the boys school.
I always feel dread when they call. I think someone got hurt or beat someone up or had their lunch thrown in the toilet or they are sick and I have to come get them. (Speaking of the lunch, that other kids mom never got jake a new bag. Whatever…)
Well, today they called to tell me that they had 30 Thanksgiving baskets for families in the office and my kids were being offered one. So whee! We get another free turkey and stuff! My pride tried to rear it’s ugly head like it did last year (where I felt all pathetic)… but this year I know I can use it and I can re-try to bake this crazy turkey and have left overs for days and learn how to do fun stuff with left over turkey! wheee!
So… the only other thing I think is that my kids must look really needy. Ha. Baboo says it’s Jonathon with his long disruly hair. It might be. He’s always dirty and even if we comb his hair it turns into a wild mane of doom before an hour passes and he just looks like a street urchin with holes in his pants (He has 3 remaining pants with no holes in the knees… heh) and so i guess they get put on the radar for needing help. Fine with me! I’ll take the help! They are also going to try and get us some free clothes. I don’t mind that either. bring it on!
I realize that I make decent money, but until i get out of this hole, any bit of help i can get is awesome. I hope that one day, when I am more stable, I will be able to donate to things to help others who might need it. I am not above realizing that the help i am getting deserves to be repaid some day.
Meanwhile, I feel super fat.
oh well.
I’m making some paint pictures of cookies for the two people who asked me for them. wheee!
it’s about time right?
yay congrats on the school being nice! i agree and you’re definitely right – all the help you can get is awesome until you can get caught up on your own. 🙂 is jonathon against getting his hair cut? it’s sooo cute though in the pictures! i wouldn’t cut it either haha.
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Free stuff is always cool! If you’re being offered something, why not take it? Who cares what their intentions were. Anyway, I thought long hair was a fashion statement for boys these days. lol
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I’m glad that you got a laugh out of that. I don’t really know anyone named Veggie… but I know a guy name Tree and if there’s at least one guy running around named “Tree” then why couldn’t Caitlyn have a friend named “Veggie”. Thanks… I’m glad you enjoyed that. Hope all is going well with your NaNo-ing… you’re so close…
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We are getting a turkey dinner too.
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