Would you like to cuddle?

For some odd reason, I’m in this super lovey dovey smooshy gooshy mood. It’s quite odd and disconcerting.

Example, I really just want to see Baboo and squeeze him and cuddle.

Uhhh… I know that’s probably something I always want to do ANYWAY, but it’s in my head a lot more forcefully right now. 

Stupid hormones. I swear, they make me totally crazy. I bet in 10 minutes I’ll want to kill someone and rip their heads off and suck the blood out of their necks! *thunder crack*

I need to find a good marinade for the steaks I bought on Sunday. Porterhouses.. for under 4 bucks! I hope they are good. I do love the Vallarta store.

If only they spoke English to me. *sigh*

Anyway, I should probably learn Spanish but I’m dumb and I can’t even bring myself to do more than go home, eat, work out, and fall into my bed like a lump these days.

It’s sorta dumb.

I need to motivate myself to get up and DO STUFF. Clean, for one thing. I will never be able to take pics of my house if I never CLEAN THE DAMN PLACE. argh! I’ve been there over a month now, I need to get over myself.

I also really want to learn Spanish. Not only because I live in So Cal, but also, it’s a part of Baboo and I want to learn. damn it all in a krabby patty!

I wonder if the secret ingredient in krabby patties is CRAB!

ha ha.

I also want to get back into crocheting. I’ve decided to make several afghans now and then I’ll have Christmas presents for later this year! Each one will probably cost about 8 bucks to make. Each yarn is about 2:50… so I buy like 3 or 4 and it’s big enough for a small comfy throw.

awwww… throw me over board! blarmy!

when is talk like a pirate day? did I miss it?! did it happen and I forgot? My perception of time is all wonked out. I keep forgetting if I’ve paid bills and put money to do stuff and when did my kids get out of school anyway? What’s my name? Who am I? where do I live and what is this that I’m clicking on? 

echo… echo…. echo… echo…

I want to get more games for the boys and I to play. I might buy Life. I love that game. My boys will probalby hate it, but I’ll make them love it! damn it! I need a daughter. She would play it with me. I still have dreams… *sigh*…. Knowing my luck, if I do have another kid, it’ll be a boy and I’ll be trapped forever with three alien male children. But at least they will love me lots and take care of me.

they better take care of me.

so yeah more board games! More family time!

I almost bought the game "Operation" for the boys and I to play. Maybe next time. It needed batteries. Stupid batteries!!!!

Anyway, who wants to hug me!!!!

I want to hug you.

Maybe I’ll get these pics off my phone and post them.

It’s something to do!

I even have some work. But I’m stretching it out so I don’t end up with nothing to do when I’m trying to not get caught doing something I shouldn’t be.

I already read all my favs…

but I’m sure more will update soon.


ha ha.




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March 17, 2009

No. The secret ingredient in a Krabby Patty is not crab, it’s plankton.

i LOVE life. it’s so fun. i haven’t played it in forever though. i play chutes and ladders with my baby sister, she loves that. i’ll take a hug. make that a double, please!

March 17, 2009

I LOVE THE GAME LIFE!!!!!!I always end up with so many kids that i have like 5 trailing after me in another car! LMAO

March 17, 2009

I would…by my luck, is…as soon, (or not long after), I’d Edit, Phillip’s parents would show up, to both help him with the remainder of the papers, and also to pick us up, to go to the cabin! (So…although I’m restless right now…I’m still not sure that, it’d be wise for me to, embark on Editing my entry, right now!) Lol. (Just don’t want to get caught in the middle, with it, ya know?)

March 17, 2009

🙂 Lol. But, I’m in the mood to type…so…I don’t know! 🙂 Lol. I’m just restless, and my hands want something to do! (Cause, the thoughts are restless here!) When my thoughts are racing, then I need something to do, to distract them! Ay! *Sigh!* Anyway, Later!

March 17, 2009

Teach me how to crochet!!

March 17, 2009

ooohhh, porterhouse steaks! nice! trader joes has some great marinades for pretty cheap-check em out. awww, cuddle & love your baboo! as for learning spanish, omg, i have been wanting to learn for so so long. its so helpful to know.

March 17, 2009

At least you work out! All I do is go home and drink….=) Your kids would probably like the game guess who. Syd does and she’s 7.

The secret ingredient in Krabby Patties is love..

March 17, 2009

ryn – I’m not sure! I mean, I don’t even know what number it is, or if it’s definitely the food colouring – I must have had green things before my 20s, surely – all I know is that I had a bad reaction to midori. I just avoid all unnaturally green things now, to be safe. It was baaaaad.

March 17, 2009

Oh, and *hugs!*

March 17, 2009

ryn – Also, I checked, and it’s Tartrazine I’m allergic to, I think. But this site says it’s in doritos, and I can eat them just fine… hmm. Maybe there’s just… a lot more… in midori? Or maybe there’s some other weird ingredient in midori. I don’t know. I’ll just not drink midori and that’ll do.

March 17, 2009

*HuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggCuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuddle* x x

March 17, 2009

wow exactly one month til ur vacation, sweet, im jealous, uhm… i looooove crocheting, it’s awesome and so relaxing i’ve bought all kinds of books for patterns and yeah im a crocheting nut. haha hope u have a good rest of ur day it’s off to work for me bleh.

March 17, 2009

*Huggy-cuddles you* I miss huggy cuddles too. :*o(

March 17, 2009

RYN: I know, it seems like a LOT of sleep for there not to be a cause. I mean, I guess I could be playing sleep catch up, but I don’t think that is it, either. I don’t know. The first dream, yeah. That is a lot of how I feel. I am just ready for them (Alex, the army, whomever) to say “You are going XYZ for a year/two/three” and be done with it. I am ready to START my damn life. It’s been in limbo for over a year now. I think that its wearing on me.

March 17, 2009

Random noter: Talk like a pirate day is September 19th – check out http://www.talklikeapirate.com/ it’s the official talk like a pirate day website 😀

March 17, 2009

I love Life.. so much fun. And you are not dumb! You’re busy. And hugs are always welcome. And enjoyed. And returned.

March 17, 2009

for steak marinades we like a lawry’s brand pork and chop i believe. It’s got a nice cracked black pepper and garlic flavor. We love it. A game Dom has and loves is Sorry. Trouble is also a good one.

March 18, 2009

Do you know what? It’s rare hearing about a good mother like yourself. So many mothers throw their kids in front of the Playstation and let them whittle their minds away. It’s nice seeing a mother take time to actually enjoy her children without making a huge ordeal of it. I’m not sure why, exactly, you playing board games with your kids made me smile but it did. You sound like a great mum.

March 18, 2009

Talk like a pirate day??!

March 18, 2009

Hi *waves* random noter here. I just realized we have a lot of the same faves 🙂 Not sure if yer into jack daniel’s sauce but they have a great marinade in a pouch that they sell in the supermarket! Great for grilling !