Working to get my son out of there
and let the drama continue
What is happening.
So I went to visit my baby yesterday. He’s a mess. Girls bragging about their multiple abortions, boys talking about sex non stop, people with cutting marks from the top of their arms to their fingertips.
It’s hellish.
i can’t imagine what my 11 year olds mind must be feeling.
Anyway, I did my best to simply be loving and encouraging. He wanted to come home and was devastated that he wouldn’t be able to. I tried to quantify it for him, let him know that it was just a few more days. He asked me why I didn’t bring the lawyer… it sucks. I just don’t have it. Of course, my husband wants to wrack up some debt to get one, but we’ll see what happens today.
I’ve called a patients rights advocacy group. I’ll see what they can do for me, or if they can refer me to a lawyer or SOMETHING. I will go to the ends of the earth to get my son out of there by tomorrow.
I have a bad feeling they won’t let him go. Not because he is a danger or anything, but because of their policies. They told me yesterday that we needed to have a family therapy session before he could be released. They said someone would call to schedule it.
Nobody every called me.
So I called just a few minutes ago and of course the therapist can’t be found, so I left a voicemail message.
I’ll will be calling back every hour until I talk to someone.
I am waiting for the advocate to call me back.
I will also be calling Kaiser to make sure that my request to get him discharged and out of that place is still moving forward.
I am going to do everything in my power to make this terrible sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach go away. I just know because i have insurance they will want to keep him. Guaranteed money, easy money.
I can’t let it happen.
My son is not a meal ticket or an atm card.
He called me this morning and he was trying to hold it together, being so brave.
I don’t give a fuck what kind of lesson he is learning or the help he needs… he is NOT GETTING IT THERE.
He is getting traumatized over and over and over again.
He is holding his head up as high as he can and all I can do is be here for him.
Some kid came up to him and started bullying him… calling him fat. then when Jon said to leave him alone, the kid flipped out and started shrieking that Jon was beating him up.
What the fuck?!
Jon said he is not in trouble, but that is just what he needs to get the wrong attention for them to say "he needs to stay longer"
I told Jon to stay away from that kid and be calm. I’m calling later when his case worker gets in (I spoke to someone who is not the one who has been handling his case from the start, so I want to talk to them) to make sure that they know what is going on. I don’t trust those nurses and Dr.’s
this is just a mess. I’m shocked i slept at all last night. All I can see is my sons face, sad with red rimmed eyes, asking me why I couldn’t get him out.
I can’t listen to anyone saying it’s right that he should be there.
My son needs help. I don’t know how many times I can acknowledge that. I will get that for him.
Elias has been so upset this week, probably feeding off of my anxiety. He won’t let me out of his sight.
He is currently very upset that I’m on this computer.
I gotta go I guess.
pray for us.
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Screw that, he does not need to be there. That’s a toxic environment, how can he get help in that kind of environment. Whoever is saying he needs to be there should shut the eff up and realize he is 11 with a bunch of teenagers that are far more messed up than him. Poor little guy. You’ll get him home friend.
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i am sure Elias is picking up on everything and missing Jon too.. there is so many hoops & so much bullshit, i hope that you get Jon out very soon and get him home with you.
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I am thinking of you constantly! LOVES. LOVES. LOVES.
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constantly checking here and fb for updates from you, hang in there. hope you get some answers / resolution ASAP! <3 <3 <3
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I’ve been reading all your entries and saw your post on FB. You and your family are in my thoughts. Hang in there!! You’re a phenomenal mom and things are going to get better. I am enraged to find out the system is THIS fucked up. He’s far too young to be around all this crap and I hope he is released SOON.
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your son is going to be scared to become a teenager hanging out with this crowd. im praying for your son’s safe return home (ASAP).
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I am so so sorry. This has gone on way too long. I can’t imagine how he is feeling right now. I know I’d be scared I were somewhere like that even now, let alone at 11 years old! You are doing everything you can and I know this will be over soon. You are holing up so well. Hang in there and keep doing all that you can. HUGS HUGS HUGS.
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Continuing to pray. I’m so very sorry for this ordeal for all of you.
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I hope that they don’t use that interaction with the other kid against Jon. Depends who they believe more (or if they witnessed the interaction). Could go either way.
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I’m holding out that someone somewhere in that system will see the over-site and let him go
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Okay, its one thing for him to see that his actions have consequences beyond what mommy says, but this? This is unbelievable. Whatever help he needs he will get at home. If that were not the case, you would have gotten him in a safe environment long ago.
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You won’t hear it from me honey I know what those places are like and I know he won’t get the help there he needs and that he will get help. That is traumatizing. I was younger then him when I was in there so he’ll probably remember a lot more then me. I had a seizure it was traumatizing. I couldn’t handle the memory of being in that place. I admire your determination to get him out of there.
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ignore those who say he needs to be there when you, his mother, KNOW he does not. it’s not as if they’re doing anything for him anyway- no therapy, no psych, nothing! please try not to worry about what he’s hearing and seeing from the other kids- he’s an incredibly bright boy and anyway, he sees this in movies and video games, anyway! you are all in my prayers
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