willy wonky and the chocolate donkey!


Why am I not working? You might ask that.

but the truth is, work is for fools and those who want to make money!!!

Just kidding.


I’m just so wonky right now. LIKE WILLY WONKY AND THE CHOCOLATE DONKEY!!!

I just made that up.

it’s somewhat amusing.

As you can see, I’m in a mood.

I am just going nuts about Vegas.

It’s like a little kid about to go to Disneyland (or Disneyworld for that matter). I just can’t think straight.

it’s like christmas!!!!

I have like… no expecations either. I just don’t know WHAT to expect. I really hope Baboo is ready to take command cuz while my control freak side is going to have a map and a list of things I want to do and dinner reservations and all the rest … I’m gonna be a fish out of water.

The airport alone scares the crap out of me. I haven’t been on a plane since I was 13… that is over a decade! And I was with my school so I didn’t really think about checking baggage and stuff, and it was all pre 9/11… so agady!!!

I am gonna put almost everything my checked bag and just a few things in my carry on. I just don’t want the hassle.

It’s gonna be weird, cuz we’ll be up at like 4 in the morning, so obviously tired, but also wired!

and ahhhhhhhhh!!!!

I can’t wait to put on my pretty dress and get all dolled up with hair and make up and drape my delicious man candy over my arm and go waltzing around a casino.


Why isn’t today going faster?

Work Countdown 6.5 hours.

Seriously, how am I gonna make it?!!!!

I guess I’ll go do something.


I have no idea.

who needs to DO ANYTHING?!

*grumble stomp*

and yes, there will be tons of pictures!!!!



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April 14, 2009

i have nothing to look forward to…no Vegas. I want to cry!!!! 😀

April 14, 2009

I love it when something feels like Christmas! All that waiting… you’ll be there soon!

April 14, 2009

Work is absolutely for fools. FOOLS!

April 14, 2009

I don’t want to be working either.

April 14, 2009

Take lots of picturesssssssssss!!!

April 14, 2009

ryn: LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

April 14, 2009

Well…at least Someone has something to look forward to! Ryn:

April 14, 2009

Willy Wonkey and The Chocolate Donkey…hahahahaha…love iiiiiiiiiiiiit…xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

April 14, 2009

Hmm… let’ see… you’re at work, trying to make the time go by faster and wondering what you could be doing. This is just a shot in the dark here, but ummm…. WORK, maybe?!?!?! HAHAHAAH!!! xoxo<3

April 14, 2009

ryn: Hell yeeeeaaaaahhhhh, he’s payin’! I’m broke. hahaha! ;o) And he’s my dad. Although I am almost 25 years of age, it’s still his obligation to invite me out and get my belly full of delicious food (his treat!) Or so I think. heh! xoxo<3

April 14, 2009

My suggestion is to throw the control freak out the window! Just keep the list of what you want to do and do that stuff. You’ll have more fun that way!

April 14, 2009

I was just gonna ask about the pics… but what are we gonna do about your OD will you be updating in Vegas? Since I cant go there or really anywhere, I’d like to live vicariously through your vacation!