Where do babies come from?

Oh my little three year old… behold the conversation that was had about 2 minutes ago:


Jake: "remember when I lived in your stomach mom?"

Me:  "yes"

Jake: "your stomach is fat mom"

Me: "you made it fat when you were living in there"

Jake: "well what about the other babies?"

Me: "what other babies?"

Jake: "the ones inside there?" he pats my stomach

Me: "i don’t have any othe rbabies"

Jake: "why not?

Me: "because they aren’t made yet"

Jake: "well build them!"

Me: "i don’t have all the parts i need to build them"

Jake: "why not?"

Me: "because you need special parts to make babies in the mommies tummy"

Jake: "like… ROBOTS?!"

Me: "ummmm… robots?"

Jake: "yeah, cuz robots build things mom! don’t you know!"

so that is how babies are made.

with robots.


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November 2, 2006

robots are rad. easiest birds and bees conversation ever. haha

You got off easy girl lol

November 2, 2006

I’d like a robot baby. That would rule!

November 2, 2006


November 3, 2006


hahaa. 😀 cute. Chris

November 3, 2006

i see him having some v e r y interesting conversations with girlfriends when he’s older :0)

November 3, 2006

Here then, you can have my robots!

November 3, 2006

so stinkin cute!

That first line, though, cracks me up. Like it was such a long time ago as if he remembered it, too. LOL.

November 3, 2006

OH thank god! I thought it was something in the water.. he he

awww lol <3 Annie-Rae