Welcome to Debaucheryville *edit*
I like that word. DEBAUCHERYVILLE.
I so live there.
I just ate lunch. it was good.
but I’m still hungry. Too bad stomach! you get no more vittles!!!!
Wanna hear what’s gonna happen in my corner of debaucheryville?
well… meathead is requesting i go out with him. I’m not sure if I can do that, cuz that means finding someone to watch my boys on saturday. I miss them and I’m not sure if I’m ready to do that “more than 3 hour when it’s not essentially needed” drop off yet. I haven’t done that yet.I like my time with them and… blah. I don’t know.
He’s just so alluring…
and then there is bootycall boy. he wants to come over. don’t know if i’m up for that either. but at least he’d come to ME…
and then… there is hotty yahoo guy. he has given me an open invitation. and he is BY FAR the hottest of the three.
but with the first of them, i’d have to drop my kids off somewhere just to get my groove on. My groove isn’t worth that most of the time, but I’m coming off of my heat and it still feels somewhat urgent that I get laid.
stupid body.
and how is THAT for a dilemna.
Hmm, which boy should I bone?
you slut.
why thank you.
slutty slut slutt
thanky thank you
my only wrong doing is that i don’t have my “hey give me the pill” appt for a couple of weeks. YES, i did make it. i forgot to mention it.
they told me to keep calling and maybe something would open up sooner.
bah to it all. it sucks cuz i have to go during a weekday and i only get my one little day off every two weeks and it’s hard to work with.
maybe i’ll bone none of them and be miss holy pure angelic soul this weekend.
that wouldn’t work.
i’d end up on my webcam. and how unfulfilling is THAT.
sometimes i think i’m more insane than i realize. what if i’m just imagining my life while my real body is in a straight jacket tied to a bed with an iv of drugs keeping my conciousness at bay.
I need to go wash my lunch dishes.
i had like a bean burrito and some spanish rice.
i wish i had a cookie.
oh, and a hi-C too.i love those little juice boxes. all the juice is clear now, it used to have colors that would stain all the time.
so i’m just overly interesting right now.
Gaze upon the slutty wonder.
This last picture, Massau (yes, i do still talk to him,and last weekend he was practically begging me to come to his house and bone him, without actually saying that much. DAMN HIM AND HIS ELUSIVE BEHAVIOR) told me that it looked like i had “give me sex” eyes.
i torture him with it incessantly, hoping it will break him down. it hasn’t worked yet.
eh well, i’m gonna take my slutty booty to the kitchen to wash my dishes.
*edit* proof of why i should NOT wash dishes.
i was cleaning the cute glass lid to my cute little container i broght my rice in, it slipped, flew up int he air and broke all over the place.
i’m so sad. rest in peace little glass lid. I loved you so.
i love that last one. the pill takes a month at least to start working don’t forget.
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I like your pictures 🙂
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I wish I had your lips. They’re like, perfect.
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rip….little glass lid. lets all say a novena for its glassy little soul.
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I really don’t like how you call yourself a slut. If you mean that you’re promiscuous, fine, but “slut” comes with such a huge, negative value judgement, and it bothers me when you apply that to yourself.
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*looks at above note* hmmm… how about ‘Sex Diva’?… sounds way more exciting, no?… 😉
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Poor little lid. It did have a good life though. 🙂
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nice pics chica =D
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Can I be your slutty buddy…hahhaha
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Heh, I ALWAYS break dishes. Precisely why all of my dishes should be plastic. But I have yet to learn my lesson. Whew, you are my hero three, no FOUR, boys with the option of boning!?! And right now I have none, I am so jealous! I will live vicariously through you! Go Monique!!
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If you were any funnier I would die.
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Beautiful beautiful. *huggles* ~
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I love the pictures there stunning
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Those are nice pictures—your hair looks fabooo!!! *reads on*
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