waiting for the fixilation pixilation mixilation

Bleh, today!



Ok, so i’ve been trying to do work all day and everytime I start it, i find something wrong that somone else has to fix.

so… yeha. waiting on that.

in other sad worlds, my mother might be getting a new job. they totally took her position from her because of her shoulder surgery coming up and so she was all depressed yesterday, crying and the bit. i tried to be comforting, but it was hard. my mother doesn’t deal well with change and i just wish i could go bust those fools in the face for being SO RUDE. they just walked into her office, told her to pack her stuff up and get it out by the end of the day. she is being put into a security bubble where all you do is press a button to let people in thru a door all day. she’s been working the job for SEVEN years and they did that to her. it’s her first REAL job (yeah, my mom has had quite the life) and just. yeah. i hope she’s ok. i tried to call this morning and didn’t get an answer.


i think my tendonitis is coming back. must get brace.

when i am done with some of thise work (i just got the fixed paperwork back… hooray?!) i shall post the first few blibs of my nanowrimoness. I am still tweaking how i want to go about the story. but, it will be easy for me to bust out at least 5 to 8 thousand words once i do. then this weekend i can bust out another 5 and i think i’ll be caught up to where i’d like to be. it’s hard when i start a story AFTER my intiial inspiriation blaze. if i don’t start right at the blaze, i lose some of it. so i’m trying to get it back.

god my wrist hurts.

off to work.

yes, this boring was entry.

did i just write that?

i’ll leave it that way.


back latah!



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/poke poke have a good day at work woman with the silly dream. Chris

November 2, 2006

haha blibs

November 3, 2006

that sucks that they did that to her!!! they better like pay her still the same too!!