too tired to be interesting

Yesterday was not as lazy as I dreamed it would be, but it wasn’t terrible. I’m really tired today and thinking far too much.

With our transition to one income and Baboo going to work outside of the home (he has his interview on Thursday and he’ll probably get offered a job on that day and start two weeks from then!) and my brother moving out (NEXT WEEKEND!!! :(… )… we will have a lot of new challenges we haven’t dealt with in the last few years. I’ve had to deal with them when I was on my own, but it’s weird to have them back, like… WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WITH THE CHILDREN ON SPRING BREAK?!!!




I don’t have a lick of vacation right now (I’ve been using it to go to Dr.’s appts and crap, blah) so I can’t just take the week off. I have to do fancy moves like ask my step mom to watch them about 3 days (lets hope she says yes. She’s been reluctant to help me out recently) and then taking one day of vacation (I might have enough hours for that. lol) and the Friday is thankfully my regular day off, so I can at least have that much. I don’t know. I don’t even know where we’ll be living by then. Hell, we might be MOVING that week!

It’s so overwhelming!!!!

I have a little bit of time to figure it out, but I want to set my plans in place now because their break is the first week in April.

And then, we have no idea when they’ll get out of school and if I’ll leave work for my leave early (and not get paid while I’m out, blaaaah) so I can be home with them or WHAT we will do!!!! It will all work out, but it’s going to come at us very quickly. I hope we’re ready. I think we’ll be preparing over the next few months and hopefully living off one income starting in May (all my money will go into savings) and that way it won’t hurt so bad if I start getting paid less or whatever the case may be earlier than we planned.

Lets just pray this new job offers him a teensy bit more money than his current job and we’ll be ok. We still don’t know where we can move yet, it all depends on what they’re gonna pay him. I wonder if there will be opportunities for raises and things. Who knows!!!

I guess by the end of the week, we will know!

ANYWAY, other than that my weekend was ok, nothing exciting really happened.

I did almost run over someone playing on the freeway offramp this morning. I saw something moving and i slowed down and some idiot was strolling around on the offramp like it was a sidewalk or something. Idiot. He got off onto the side after I passed, but if it had been someone paying less attention, he’d be dead because he was wearing dark colors and you really couldn’t see him. I just saw a moving shadow. Ugh.

I’m tired and this is stupid and I’m thinking too much and … yeah. Happy MoTuesday ya’ll…

Loveyouepeople *muah!*


Oh yeah, I have a ticker. Look at that!



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        Humanity Scar   


 (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)  

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February 21, 2012

I’d tell you to stop thinking so hard for a little while, but I know how hard that can be. HUGS. *Muah* to you, too.

I am the same way. I NEED TO PLAN! I hope you have a greatttt day! <3

February 21, 2012

My son once played on an off-ramp like that…as an adult, when his blood sugar bottomed out (he’s hypoglycemic)…he was in a daze and had no idea of where he was or what was going on at the time. The ambulance brought him home and he ended up in the ER. But it sounds like maybe the guy you saw was just an idiot.

I think between you and Baboo y’all will figure it out and be just fine. Yay interview Thursday!!

February 21, 2012
February 21, 2012
February 21, 2012

It will all work out. Somehow, it always does.

Stupid pedestrian. I hope you guys find out sooner about the job for Baboo but long weekends suck for finding out info, long weekends seem to slow the whole process down.

February 21, 2012

I feel ya! Start selling crap on ebay. You’d be surprised at how much money you can make. I am. It can help you add to savings or what not. My brother in law does it full time, though he sells expensive collectors stuff that he knows all about. I just sell used clothes lol…and crazy that I even make any money, but I do.

February 21, 2012

Although I do believe everything will fall into place for you, it always does somehow, doesnt it?

February 22, 2012

omg, i hate crazy people walking on the highway. still have my fingers crossed for baboo’s new job!!! and i think easter is first week of april so maybe you’ll get extra days off for that anyway. *hugs*

February 22, 2012


February 23, 2012

I tried to backlog all of what I missed. I’m still going but I need a break because I feel obsessed. Like I’m going to cut my hair like yours and paste my picture of your family photos and it’ll be made into a lifetime movie.