title smitle

Ahh, here I am, back at work.

Oh whee.



i was so pissed off yesterday. My ridiculousness totally messed up my Simming! I can’t believe I lost my house and my restaurant. I’m more mad about that than my stupid families I was tired of playing… cept for my witch with the vampire daughter. I don’t know if I’ll be able to replicate that again… I didn’t even see what would happen when she grew up. blah!

Enough about that, I’ll get over it soon.

All I mean to say is that it threw me off. I didn’t do anything else i wanted to do all day.

What also threw me off was my kids apparanet lack of desire to be around me. They would usually jump at getting popcorn and getting to snuggle in my bed and watch a movie, but they didn’t care yesterday. It made me sad. I was just gonna watch the movie alone, but I didn’t want to anymore. They were outside all day (which isn’t bad, but I wanted to spend time with them, and when I went out they were not quite interested in me being around, so i just went back inside…)

Mean kids!

So I went to bed sorta early and had weird dreams about my old best friend that I lost last year and blah blah blah, here I am.

did I mention I tried to talk to herand she ignored me? Whatever. I guess it is what it is. If you push as hard as I did, there is no reason for anyone to look back. blah. I was considering trying to talk to her again this morning, but I squashed that. She hates me. Whatever. I was a bitch.

Meanwhile, Kim and I have been having more conversations lately. She even called me the other day. That was nice. I miss her.

So work today is going to be medium. I’m not sure if it’ll be fast or slow. Depends on how much response I get to the emails I sent out. I’m gonna organize crap and then just write on my story. I have some catching up to to! Plus I really don’t want to get "cold" on my plot and then hit a wall, so I must keep going and kindle my little flame!

Otherwise, I still miss Baboo. It’s starting to calm down a little bit. but only because I’ve been masturbating. ha ha. Imagine that. But it does release some tension, I can’t deny it.

I still can’t wait to see him and touch him and smell him again. It’s really hard. It’s good for us in a sense, but as I said, it’s just making me realize more how much I appreciate what I do have. Even if he is a big butt who does things that I hate and is way too flirtacious for his own damn good. I am starting to feel more understanding about it,but I wonder if that’s just me beginning to get stupid? I dunno.

It does give me motivation to keep on with my dieting so that I can compete with these girls he likes to talk to so much. I dropped a pound and a half from my last weigh in (which was on Thursday, last week) so that’s good. I hope I can get the last half pound off of my ass by tomorrow night. ha ha. I’m on track though.

I’m gonna win that bet.

Anyway, blah blah blah,I have favs to read and work to pretend to do and story to write.

At least it’s Wednesday already! wheeee!!!!

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November 12, 2008

Aww i’m so sorry you miss him girl!!! 🙁 I’m sure it’s hard. You’ll get through it though. You’re strong!

November 12, 2008

Is it Wednesday already? What in the heck am I thinking. Yaya!

November 12, 2008