This whole situation makes my head hurt

I think my head very well may blow off my body.

So… I went to get my brother and we went back to the house so he could get a few things that my sister had packed for him.

I guess I should stop and give a teensy bit of background. I am estranged from my bio mom for the past 2.5 or 3 years. She attacked me while I was living with her and I got myself and my children out of there. My mother had been sober for about 10 years, but after that she went back to drinking and drugs. Four of my siblings lived with her.

Crazy brother: He was the one giving her drugs and selling them from the home. another reason I needed to leave. he was also in a gang and just a total mess. He’s in jail now, btw. For at least 2 years.

Little brother: The one that is with me now. He’s 15 (I thought he was already 16, but I was wrong) and basically took on the roll of my mothers "caretaker." after I left… since I had left that role.

Little Sister B: She’s 14 and on the road to getting pregnant and doing all manner of craziness. She is safe from my mothers wrath because she is a girl.

Little Sister M: She’s 13 and also safe. She is a quiet meek girl and as my brother calls her "peter pan" because she is very immature. Both of my sisters were born with an alcohol and drug using mother. My brother was not.

Ok, so anyway, they all live with her.

Recently my brother has been texting me telling me about how horrible things have been escalating. She’s been hitting and abusing him for at least a month, but it was never anything he didn’t feel like he could handle and he stayed. She has been threatening to throw him out and has made him clean and cook for the entire household, basically making him a servant. He is only 15. It’s just not right.

Until last night when she really went crazy (she hasn’t gone to work in 3 days and hasn’t called in. He asked if she was going to go to work or call in and she went off on him) and he had to run into the bathroom to hide from her when he started to text me. She proceeded to destroy his personal property and leave it in the middle of the room for him to see.

Oh, and they are living in the house with some of my crazy brothers "friends", crammed into a single room, with parties, drugs, and madness every night. Great environment no?

Anyway, she went to get cigarettes and he left the house and went to a friends where I picked him up.

When we went back to get some things my sister had packed for him, my lovely mother was standing at the door and told him to never come back.

I can not even imagine how this is effecting him emotionally. He’s been through too much.

She didn’t know I was there or that I was taking him, I parked around the corner and he told my sister that he was going to another friends.

However, I think someone told them he was with me because my sister (B) texted me later asking if I had him.

I was ambiguous.

My brother works in children social services… and he called me after we had gotten home. He gave me a lot of good info and he is going to help as much as he can.

I reported the child abuse last night and of course my mother is in the system.


More Background:

Around the time I left she slit her wrists and went up to my siblings and showed them.

The police were called and she tried to steal one of the police officers guns and pushed over the paramedics. She was in a mental ward for about a week and she checked herself out. I guess she’s been going to court and has to take anger management classes, but she’s obviously not really in the mode to change.

My brother says she is not the same person and he does NOT want to go back.

I’m not sure, if they ever get in there to look at the house, if my sisters will be allowed to stay.

The social worker I spoke to last night was acting like everything could get cleared up with a warning and that he’d go back. But he doesn’t want to go back and I don’t think he should.

It’s only going to get worse.

His chest was covered in bruises and scratches where she had been going at him with her fists and nails.

I tried to take pictures, but the camera sucked and I’m not sure it’ll show up right.

He had a black eye a few weeks ago, but I have no pics of that.

It’s a freakin mess.

I was going to try and go to work for a few hours, but I am waiting to hear back from social services. They called me at almost 3 am last night, and I missed the call and I just called them and they said they sent the police to the address where my mother is but nobody answered (not surprising) and someone would be in contact with me today to talk to Gehrig.

I feel totally crazy and I’ve had the WORST headache ever since all this went down.

I feel drained.

Hes sleeping on the couch now and he is more than welcome to stay with me. I don’t know what will happen to my sisters, I don’t want them to go into foster care, but I just don’t have a big enough place for 3 more people… I don’t know.

This situation is a mess.

I’m gonna go lay down. I feel like throwing up.


Thanks for all your kind words and thoughts, keep them coming. They are priceless and I know your prayers and positive energy will have an impact on what happens next.

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Wow. This is rough. I can’t even imagine. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

That’s horrible!! I hope the police and social services do something about it. Your a great sister for helping them, and taking your brother in. Many, many hugs!!

June 24, 2009

HUGS. What a terrible situation. You are such an angel to offer a safer environment for your brother. I hope everything works out alright…

June 24, 2009

I don’t even know what to say. I hope your sisters get what they need. They don’t need to be in that household. None of them do. Ugh! If you need anything, let me know.

June 24, 2009

I’m really sorry you’re having to pick up the slack for your mother’s incompetence. I know you don’t mind doing it bc he’s your brother, but it’s still BS and I’m sorry she can’t do what’s right and be a good mom. I’m also sorry your sibs don’t have the option of a stepparent to run to like you did. You know you’re doing the right thing, and the Universe has a way of providing for people who are sometimes put at a disadvantage for helping do the right thing. I’m not sure what kind of options are out there for assistance (think churches, civic groups – not govt red tape), but perhaps the social worker can give you some tips on where to go besides their agency. Rule #1: Take care of you first. If you’re sick or out-of-sorts, you can’t help the others or take care of your children. So give yourself what you need first – then move on to the others. You’re of no use to anyone if you’re out of commission. Love you, hon. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for y’all.

June 24, 2009

you’re all in my prayers, hun… you’re doing the right thing…

June 24, 2009

craziness 🙁

June 24, 2009

WOW, thats alot to deal with. my mom was a drunk when i was a teenager too and she had custody taken away. i hope everything works out for your brother and sisters. i’m glad they have you looking out for them. keep calling CPS on her as many times as you have to. the police should have come out last night so they could document the bruises.

June 24, 2009

*hugs* You’re all in my thoughts hun.

Oh my. Stay strong, you are a great sister/person/friend/everything!

June 24, 2009

I am glad that you can be there for your brother. I hope that he doesn’t have to go back ever. He’s also old enough to get a gig so if things got to the point that you couldnt afford he could help out a little (if it ever got to that) to pull his weight. I am sure anything would be better than going back to her.

June 24, 2009

Obviously the “system” has too many cases to deal with if they think this one isn’t a priority @@ They actually believe that a warning will suffice?

June 24, 2009

this is horrible. Do you have any other stable family members that could take on your sisters?

June 24, 2009

You’ll be in my prayers hun. Take care.

June 24, 2009

Oh my gosh. That’s crazy. I’m so glad you went to get him. How many brothers do you have? The druggie one, the one you just picked up, and the social worker one?

June 24, 2009

I hope you and your brother recover from this experience. Hopefully your brother will be alright and be able to experience a normal life and environment now. My best wishes to the both of you.

June 24, 2009

Oh man that is awful. You are an awesome sister for helping him out. <3 Annie-Rae

Wow, hon. That’s horrible.

June 24, 2009

I took a cousin in when she needed it. I’m glad I did and if you do take them, you should be able to get lots of help and stuff. Hang in there.

June 24, 2009

*hug* I can’t imagine what you and your family are going through. I’m thinking about you all, sweetheart.

June 24, 2009

Oh sweetheart, that’s awful. You’re a great sis to help him out. My prayers and hope and love and stuff go out to you all. xoxo

June 24, 2009

Man honey! I hope this situation works out for all of you! (Especially your brother, since he’s the one directly involved!) And, you can’t be blamed for having a headache! Anyone dealing with a situation like that would! You Know you have my prayers!

June 25, 2009

*hugs you……..for a long time*

June 25, 2009

wow that is just crazy and its great that he can come and stay with you. does he have any friends that can say that he’s been abused? or does he even go to school? i’m sure if he talked to someone he could explain how he’s not going back there!! and he shouldn’t have to he’s old enough to make his own decisions!!

June 25, 2009

Wow, I hope things get better and that Social Services open their eyes to see what’s REALLY going on. HUGGGS

*hugs* Is there any other family that could help with your sisters?

June 25, 2009

can social services not pay you to look after your brother and sisters, if it comes to that? what an awful situation, i’m so sorry you have to go through this.

June 28, 2009

I hope you will be able to get some form of public assistance for this.