this could be very very bad


 Well my cubicle has been moved and there is a very serious problem.

the entire desk shakes when I type.

yes friends, it shakes.

thus making my monitor shake.

the plants shake.

the whole thing shakes.

i either have to learn how to type very very softly or just go completely insane.

Oh wait, I’m already insane.

what comes after?

god the wiggling.

jesus, i can’t write anymore.

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January 14, 2010

Damn no way to call facilities to come and tighten it up? Be careful you dun want the whole thing collapsing on you!

January 14, 2010

Well that sounds very unsafe.

January 14, 2010

That’s annoying. Complain. That could drive anyone insane.

Is one of the legs on the desk shorter than the other? Could you put something under it to even it out? good luck with that, lol

January 14, 2010


Is it uneven? Put something under it? I would LOSE my mind. Steal another desk…preferably your bosses.

could be worse. Complain like woah! Chris

January 14, 2010

NO fun. No fun at all.

Ha! That is funny, but not really. Tell your boss you desk needs to be screwed more. hehe…I dare ya.

January 14, 2010

Aahahahahahahaha, I’m sorry but I had the funniest mental image of the wiggling desk, plants exploding in all directions… It’s been a long (like 16hrs behind my desk!) day, so forgive me! *blink blink* Seriously though, I’d also try evening it out somehow. That would drive me mad too. Who wants to have to type quietly? I’d sooo complain! xx

January 14, 2010

OH lord… just scream and yell, “I can not work under these conditions!!!”

January 14, 2010

Lol wtf is up with that? That would drive me nutso!

January 14, 2010

wow thats gonna get annoying real fast…

January 14, 2010

That would drive me batshit insane.

January 14, 2010

I’m imaging your …um… shaking everytime you type. I’d be *haunting* your desk if I was there. 🙂

January 14, 2010

Yeah, I would totally flip out. Complain!!

January 14, 2010


January 14, 2010

Dude. I had a desk that did that and it made my monitor shake and I went home with either a tummy ache or a headache every day from the perpetual motion! Find a shim! Find a matchbook! Find a brick to put on the edge of the desk! Fix it before you go insane! Or maybe it’s too late. For both of us…

January 14, 2010

Yeah that totally sucks dude. I say wiggle it around a bit until it stops freakin shaking. Because that’s enough to make a crazy person go…. well, even more crazy!! ;o) xoxox<3

January 14, 2010

Maybe you should stop slamming the keyboard aroundl ike a crazy woman.

Tell them that a 6.5 magnitude earthquake is occurring at your desk and you need them to get it under control or you’re going to evacuate to another cubicle. I have a new email, mobile od won’t let me update.

January 14, 2010

Something’s gotta be able to be done about that! Is the floor on a slant in that area or anything? That should be consulted with whoever had made the decision to put you there! Just address the issue with them. I mean, it’s a reasonable enough issue to have looked after. Hope the problem is solved for you soon enough hun!

January 15, 2010

That IS annoying….

January 15, 2010

i either have to learn how to type very very softly or just go completely insane. Or get a little book of matches and put it under the retarded leg of the desk to stabilize it!

January 15, 2010

Is the floor not as level in your new spot? Is it a different, less stable cubicle? I for one know that would drive me batty! You know, besides being unsafe and substandard…

January 22, 2010

Smack someone.