Things I hate this morning *rant*

Things I hate this morning:

STICKERS ON FRUIT!!!! I accidentally ate the sticker on my plum the other day… I keep forgetting to take them off before I wash them.

Well today I forgot again and tried to take the damn sticker off after and it just turned into mush. WHY DO THEY PUT FREAKING STICKERS ON FRUITS!!!! grrrr.

TALKING IN THE BATHROOM!!!! I really hate having conversations with co workers in the bathroom.

It’s awkward and gross. I do not like to talk while I pee. I dont’ want to talk to you while YOU’RE PEEING. I don’t really want to pretend that the conversation is important enough to warrant a continuous stream of words while there is a continuous stream of piss coming out of my bladder! Quit it!

I also hate random awkard "hiiiiii" when you’re in the bathroom. The bathroom is gross. I want to get in and out. I’m not in there to have a social moment. Lets do that in the hallway. bah!

MY PERIOD!!! I really hate it. I hate it more every time I have it. I think it’s turning into a seething rage for all things menstrual. I’ve said before that I would never want to be a boy, but it really just SUCKS AN ASS to be a girl at least one week out of EVERY MONTH DURING THE ENTIRE YEAR!!!!! Unless you happen to get pregnant, then you get a little break… REPLACED BY MORNING SICKNESS, SWOLLEN LIMBS, GIGANTIC BELLIES AND QUITE POSSIBLY HEMEROIDS!!!!!!

I’m sick of bleeding. I’ms ick of runing to the bathroom to change "feminine products." I’m sick of the headaches (one of which knocked me out for an hour last night, it felt like someone was stabbing my eyeball with a rusty nail!!!!). I’m sick of the gross feeling after sitting for a while and having to stand. I’m scared of the fear and panic that something "bad" is going to happen to my clothing. I’m sick of being irritable and moody and overly crazy when I’m already irritable and moody and overly crazy to BEGIN WITH! I’M SICK OF THE STUPID CRAP THAT GOES THROUGH MY HEAD GIVING ME BOUTS OF CRYING BECAUSE ALL I CAN THINK IS "this would have been a good home for a baby, and now it’s in the toilet" AND YES THAT’S CRAZY SO SHUT IT!!!!!!!!


I think I should go now.

I just had to get that out.

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August 19, 2009

Agreed on all of those – but especially the one about conversations in the bathroom. I hate that!

August 19, 2009

I agree with you on the bathroom conversation thing. My BFF does it to me every time. Even if I don’t have to go, she drags me in there with her (when we’re out) and I stand there feeling like a fool listening/talking to a bathroom stall. *rolls eyes*

August 19, 2009

Took the words right out of my mouth on all of it. Hope your day gets better hun!

August 19, 2009

LOL! The way you wrote things made it so funny but so real. I hope your day gets better!

agreed, agreed, agreed. argghhh! hope the rest of the day goes fast, for the BOTH of us!!

August 19, 2009

I’ll admit it. I poop while on the phone.

August 19, 2009

VAworkinggirl just left the best note ever.

August 19, 2009

I feel your pain on every one of those points!

August 19, 2009

Get out whatever you feel you need to hun! After all, that’s what these diaries of our’s are for! Hugs!

The chick I work with have x-ray eyes, I swear. You can be in the stall and when they walk in they are are ‘Oh, hi *insert your name*’

August 19, 2009

*big hug* I know us boys are very very lucky…. hence why I tend to give my friends chocolate and back rubs when they’re sore…

Yes, Yes, and YES!!

August 20, 2009

I’m sorry about all the things you hate! OMG what really makes me feel weird is when people are on the phone whilst on the toilet! Or when I walk in and two people are in separate stalls having a conversation. When I was cashiering, I used the stickers on the fruit to tell me which number to punch in to ring them up (handy so I don’t have to waste time looking it up)… also sometimes they have a “brand” on them I think?

August 20, 2009

Yeah, who the hell is that guy that puts stickers on fruits? And why arent they cuter? the stickers… then at least you could put them somewhere… I think I’m gonna start a sticker collection with fruit stickers at work… oh and so for the first time, my plum does NOT have a!

Don’t forget the possible constipation and aching joints that come with pregnancy. We really have a lose/lose situation don’t we? I mean, if we’re being pessimistic which I think at this point we are.

I think it’s even worse having a conversation in the bathroom when it’s someone you don’t even want to talk to in the first place.