Ok, before I get to my fun tales, I must rant.


I am livid.

I had about 4 Olive Garden cheese raviolis, two breadsticks, and about a quarter of a steak from Outback. It was all in a styrofoam container and I had JUST put it in there, so it wasn’t like it had been sitting for days and days.

And I go to get my lunch and it’s gone.

The fridge  was not full and while some people came later with party stuff, there is no reason to throw my food away when it could have been moved or put in a different fridge.

thank goodness someone had some pizza to share, but I didn’t really WANT it. I had my tastebuds set on eating that ravioli and those breadsticks!!! Grrrr!!!!!

Everyone is sorta in an uproar because someone elses food got stolen last week… ti was a package of sausages that were sealed in a box… so it’s not like someone could think it was throw away whatever.


They need to die.

I hope they get upset stomachs and the runs.

I’m just mad.


Ok, so onward.

I had quite the encounter with a Train Crazy yesterday!

I got off work about 30 minutes later than normal and the train is definitely more lively at that time of day. I got inside and there was this man with his bags all over a seat next to him. He proceeds to pull out an envelope and lovingly smooth it out before placing it on top of his jacket. Then he takes out a little prescription pill bottle and dumps out a nice little pile of marijuana saying to someone across the aisle "Wanna smoke?"


yes, at this point I wasn’t quite sure I was seeing correctly. But oh, I was… he sat there and lovingly broke down the weed into a managable format (eating little bits of it along the way for whateve reason) and then pulled out his rolling papers and rolled up not one… but TWO JOINTS… right there on the train in front of everyone. I was in utter shock. It was sorta funny to see the people sorta huddle around him and stare, but he didn’t care.

Of course not a single metro police officer got on the car.

After he was finished rolling, I stared in anticipation. If that fool thought he was gonna light one up, I was gonna throw a most terrible fit. I was so glad there were no small children in the car, because I would have lost it long before then. But he had at least that much sense and put his little joints back into the pill bottle. I don’t care what he wants to do, just don’t do it around people who are not willing participants!

He then lovingly folded up his envelope and stuck that into his pocket… and proceeded to pull out a pint of vodka. He opened it with a flourish and took a long chug. He exclaimed, "I drink at least 3 or 4 of these a day! They don’t do anything but keep me nomral!"




So the entire car began to smell like vodka and he just happily drank until he got off at his stop.

I was mortified.

What the hell is wrong with people.

I mean really, did he have to do that on the train? Does he know they have cameras on the trains?

Whatever. Crazy train person!

They just boggle the mind.

Anyhow, I went home and got stuck in crazy traffic cuz of some sort of accident at a street light.

We finally get home and Baboo and I watch Lost until I get to bed BEFORE 11!!! Yay!!! We finished season 4, so now all we have is season 5! Wahoo…

So I tried to go to sleep and eventually I had to turn off the tv because it was distracting me. I went to sleep pretty fast…

What sucked is that for some reason I was really anxious all night and I kept waking up in a panic like I was gonna miss my alarm.

I had the craziest dreams where I was in my new cubicle trying to change my clothes thinking "I can change really fast and nobody will see me" and these crazy field workers kept walking by and seeing me and I was trying to cover my chest and stuff and they would just oogle and kept walking by and I was like "They are gonna tell, I’m gonna lose my job!"

It was weird.

i don’t have the pictures uploaded, mainly because my phone is going to die and for some reason I don’t have my charger with me! I didn’t take it out of my purse so I’m not sure where that damn thing went. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow.

and no, no pics of my PUBES. lol.

you guys are hilarious and dirty!

Log in to write a note

OMG. I laughed so hard at your dream. I have crazy dreams like that all the time. I think something is wrong with our heads. Ferserious.

Weed isn’t a drug!! Damn Cigarettes are more harmful than weed!! lol Ok no pube pics… so shave it off and let us see it bald!!!!

wow… that IS a crazy!

We had a bad rash of lunch stealing here awhile back. Insane! I hope they catch your thief. Craziness on the train. I am amazed that he did spill half his crap on the floor. BTW, my ex and his sister used to eat the stems. Ew!

January 20, 2010

I thought you said you didn’t have pubes!

weird weird people. :O Chris

January 20, 2010

What the hell.. I don’t get why people do that shit. My moms lunch gets stolen all the time. It’s crazy. I don’t understand people. And the guy in the train.. he’s just another one I don’t get. Crazy man.

January 20, 2010

Wow, dude’s got balls! He is a train crazy!

January 20, 2010

Your dream is hilarious. at least I think so.

January 20, 2010

Crazy train people!

I don’t wanna see your pubes. I wanna see what the pubes are covering. 😉 (I know…I’m dirty!!) 😉

RYN: I don’t mind if evil pays me a visit. I’ll probably offer it a drink. 😉

January 20, 2010

RYN: They are penor straws. I got them for a bachelorette party.

January 20, 2010

I’m sry ur lunch got jacked. That sucks, yo!!! Haha. I love the train guy story. He was balls to the wall, huh? Wow!!!

January 20, 2010

Lost is cool. Until you stop watching it and forget all the details of their insanely complicated plot and then don’t feel like re-watching previous seasons to catch up. You should poison some food, leave it in the fridge, and see who gets sick? Maybe chocolate donuts with ex-lax frosting?

January 20, 2010

I dreamed of Jon and Kate Gosselin. Yeah. ::shudders::

January 20, 2010

That dude on the train is my kind of guy!

January 20, 2010

It wasn’t me. If I stole your lunch I would just piss in it and put it back.

January 20, 2010

🙂 Lol. And, I would’ve been just as incredulous of that man in the train doing all that stuff! I also wouldn’tve agreed with it! I hate waking up like that sometimes! Sorry your lunch was stolen. And also, hope you find your charger soon.

January 21, 2010

I would put a hellish note on the fridge door!

January 21, 2010

i would so become james bond and find out who stole your lunch….lol i would leave a hateful note to…. wow… people in the city are crazy….

January 21, 2010

There should be some kind of sign on the fridge since these people seem to habitually steal or throw peoples stuff away. A sign would probably detour all of that.

January 21, 2010

I guess you need another spicy…whatwasit? spicy chicken bowl? Is that the shit you like? It’s spicy-something.

January 24, 2010

Ughhh why do people have to steal lunches out of the fridge. That crazy train guy was pretty ballsy. At least he didn’t start smoking up in front of everyone.