The tales of Mr. Chrono

Hmm, so what did I last write about?


I don’t know.

I’m tired of being chronological. (doesn’t that smiley look spiffy and chornologically oriented?!!!!)

but for the sake of knowing what I did (cuz sometimes I want to look back and see when things happened and I don’t write about them and then I’m angry!)


*Dropped kids off for play date after running around the valley trying to cash Baboo’s check.

*Went to his parents and hung out talking and looking at his moms plants and stuff. His mom is so cute! His dad is quiet (cuz he really only speaks Spanish) but he does funny things that are exactly like Baboo! So I see where he gets some of his mannerisms from. It was so funny, Baboo sat in this chair next to the phone and picked it up to hear the dial tone. A few minutes later he moved and his dad sat in the same chair and did the same thing! lol…

*They are a very comfortable family. He has a cute giant dog there named Bud who is just so sweet and giant. I wish we could take him home…

*Went to dinner with them at Coco’s… had mediocre food that cost too much money

*We got a lemon merengue pie! (frozen) mm!

*Went home to drop off stuff and laid around until it was time to get the boys.

*Went to pick up the boys, then to Wal Mart where I spent $70 that I shouldn’t have. Oops (we got puppy two beds, one for each side of our bed… baboo insisted. He thought puppy would like HIS bed better… and guess what, he likes MY BED BETTER! lol. Puppy was so cute. He jumped right in and buried his face into the cushioning. I wonder if they put a scent in there…)

*Saturday night is a blur, but I did not have any sex0rs.


*Laid around till mid morning.

*Went to Baboo’s old place and did another once over to clean and turn in keys

*Before we left, Ember was making loud meows of pain for no reason. I thought for sure she was going into labor so we got her a crate, but she hated it. She has not had the kittens yet, but it’s sure to be any day now! She is about a year old… what a birthday present for her! I’m almost positive we’ll keep one female kitten *sigh*

*Cleaned walls and such at Baboo’s place.

*Spilled toiler cleaner on my pants, but they seemed just fine when it dried…

*Went to Elephant Bar Restaurant for lunch.

*I had 2 strawberry daquiris and left with a happy buzz

*I had this sweet and spicy thai chicken salad that was AMAZING!!! I love that restaurant.

*We sat at the bar and the girl bartender tried to flirt with Baboo when I went to the bathroom. I found it funny. I bet Baboo didn’t even notice

*Went home in the midst of smoke smoke smoke from all the fires. I did not do laundry or cleaning of any kind because I was too lazy.

*Watched Meet the Robinsons with the family. Super cute movie. YES IT MADE ME CRY. Keep moving forward! AWWWW!!!!

*Tried to cook a whole chicken for dinner, but it wasn’t cooking through and I ended up microwaving the meat to finish. lame! I’m using the remains to make a casserole though. yummo…

*Stayed up too late watching Big Brother and True Blood. I’m sad Russell is gone and I hate stupid Kevin and Natalie. They need to die. bah! I want Jeff to win!!! He’s hot!

Ok, that’s it… I think.

so my next entry is gonna be SUPER MUSH.
you will not BELIEVE all the amazing adorable over the top sweet and shocking things Baboo said to me this weekend.

Lets just say he keeps surprising me.

I love him.


*random* Sometimes Mariah Carey makes me want to stuff something right into the back of her throat when I hear those high notes. But she’s still a guilty pleasure. I love her music.


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August 31, 2009

I like that movie!

August 31, 2009

i won’t tell. I’ve been a mariah carey fan for quite some time. More than 10 years for sure lol

August 31, 2009

I hate paying good money for not so great food. :/ But I guess if the company was good, then it was worth it. 🙂

August 31, 2009

I always wait for glass to break when she hits the high notes

Sounds like a great weekend.

the one smily looks like Mr.Peanut. 😛 Chris

August 31, 2009

Meeep!! I can’t wait to hear the Baboo stories. hehee!! <3<3<3 And I so love Mariah Carey!! lol. 🙂

August 31, 2009

I just started watching True Blood. I don’t get it. Why does Sookie have the power to look into someone’s head?

August 31, 2009

hehe sounds like you had a fun day. Meet the Robinsons is like one of my favie movies ever!

August 31, 2009

ryn: I’m semi stressed lately but I think I used that to my advantage this morning. You should have seen my ass throwin’ “virtual punches,” across my body!!! hahaha. 🙂 Thanks for my gold star!! hehe. <3

August 31, 2009

I want to stuff something into the back of Mariah Carey’s throat too! It has nothing to do with her high notes!

Looking East from my balcony it looks like the smoke is getting worse. There’s even a thunderhead cloud forming above it. Time to stay indoors and watch some more Disney movies! =)

September 1, 2009

Haha! Mariah Carey is on our XM right now… love it! You sure keep yourself busy on the weekends!! Your man sounds like he’s good for you… can’t wait to read the “mushy” entry next =D

September 1, 2009

OMG i want one of embers kittens!! kinda.. but can’t.. but wish i could!!!!

September 4, 2009

I really must be behind. I had no idea the kitten was pregnant.