The Boy Down the Hall
In my office building there is an advertising firm just up the hall from us. We think they make porno movies because it’s just a bunch of guys who make a lot of noise and are only really active in the later parts of the day. Their business card said “If we make it, they will come” … hmm, is there a hidden message there somewhere? Maybe.
Anyhow, I’m seriously boycotting boys at the moment. I have no time or energy to really be bothered with them and all the mania they bring along. But that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate… like one of the guys who works down the hall. I was coming from taking the steps (One of my efforts to lose weight, take the steps and not the elevator!!!) trying to read the invoice from my brake job… and I almost bumped into this heavenly blonde mail coming from the office. He said hi to me and I felt 15 again! Ha… see what happens when you NEVER get attention… lol. He walked in front of me and I had to make those “oh my god he’s so fine!” faces and do a little dance… with the danger of him turning around and seeing me be an idiot causing me to almost fall down laughing. I sucked my stomach in (hee hee) and walked behind him admiring a nice little backside… heh, pinchable!!!! ahhhh!!!! I so wanted to flirt, but I know I’m not cute enough for that, God I wish I was cute…
Anyway, I feel good cuz it’s not as if I want a boyfriend, but god, they are so nice to look at sometimes. I mean, I dont’ really want one all over me, just to stand there and be hunky.. hunky is a wierd word… just be gorgeous boy, just stand there and let me devour you with my gaze. I just wanna go knock on their door so I can stare at his pretty green eyes. AHHHH… how silly am i?
Oh well, maybe someday I’ll be healed enough to try and snag me a cute man.
what in the world are you talking about that you’re not cute enough? you’re GORGEOUS (and i’ve seen pictures, i can say so). i, as a matter of fact, was jealous of the pretty you when i was looking at pictures. moral of the story: next time, flirt! it’s so fun!
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Oh honey, if you ever say you are not cute again I am going to drive down to So Cal and knock you flat on your ass. You are the most adorable girl I have ever seen! But you are right, for the most part boys are more trouble than they are worth!
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