the 9 days of pee


dude, my colors made me wanna scream.

these make me wanna sleep and eat candy.



i have a bag full of candy at home which i haven’t touched.

it’s a miracle really.

i leave work in 2 minutes.

what the fuck am i doing?

getting paid to slack, that’s what.


don’t you wish your employees were slackers like me?

ok whatever.

i gotta pee.

i hate the trainstation bathroom. it smells like someon made the walls out of sponge and then let horses piss on nit for nine days and then let dogs piss on it for 8, then cats for 7, hyenas for 6, llamas for 5, hamsters for 4, crocodiles for 3, monkeys for 2, and a partridge in a pear tree for one… and then humans have pissed on it ever since.


just nasty.

so i’ll go here.

i know you wanted to know.

proceed with joy.

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December 27, 2007

haha…that’s a lot of pee

December 27, 2007

Lol. Hugs.

December 27, 2007

haha wow that sounds disgusting

December 28, 2007

This color looks like weird icing on a foreign pastry. Yeah, I think I would pee before leaving work too.