super cool news!!!!
I just got the best news this morning!!!
My boss (the one going crazy and stressing out, poor thing. She sent emails at 4 AM on SATURDAY… she needs a vacation!!!)…
anyway, my boss is actually pretty damn awesome and she has been fighting for us to get our old schedules back. What this would mean is that we would end up working 4 day weeks (we are forced 8 hours of furlough time and working 9 hour days gives us another day off… so that would be one day off each week!)… but they were fighting it. They ONLY took schedules like that away from US (within the union I’m in) and not others. It wasn’t fair. Meanwhile, our subordinates were working an extra hour each day with no supervision (and a lot of poor decisions were made and crap happened) and it was causing a lot of problems since they had changed our schedules.
So I guess she wrote up a really iron clad proposal which they couldn’t say no to and she told us this morning that they had accepted it!!!
So… guess who is going to get EVERY FRIDAY OFF for at least the next couple of months (they could change it up at any time, which will suck, but I’ll enjoy it while it lasts!)… MEEE. I GET THEEEMMMM!!!
There were some issues as far as people not getting every Friday or every Monday, but I don’t think it applies to my supervisor and I. We cover each other on the days off that we’ve chosen so it shouldn’t be an issue.
I’m super jazzed because it will be SO NICE to not work on Fridays. It’ll save me gas money and all sorts of things.
And imagine all the extra video games I’ll get to play *dork dance time*
oh yes.
I can also schedule more appointments and things on those days and meet with Jonathon’s teacher more often (I hope he’s doing well and not in need of more conferences though, it’s his first day back after the break today)…
but yeah.
It’s gonna be awesome.
and guess when it starts?
Let me give you a little run down of how this is gonna rule.
So I have Friday off THIS week. Monday of next week off courtesy of Martin Luther King day. AND THEN I’d be off on the following Friday, meaning I’d only have to work THREE DAYS next week! oh hell to the yeah ding dong diggidy!!!!!
This will happen every time there is a holiday.
I guess I have to get my butt in gear and stop hating work so much. It’ll be nice to have at LEAST that perk since they docked my damn pay!
I also learned that on Thursday my cubical is getting moved. It has it’s pro’s and cons.
*More privacy and less noise
*A cute plant from previous occupant
*Closer to my supervisor so I can bug her all day
*Personnel section is more streamlined (we are all in a row instead of all over)
*Closer to my supervisor (so she can see what i’m doing! damn!)
*Near the second big honcho muckety muck and my computer will face his office so when he comes out he’ll be able to see what i’m doing! ugh!
*Everyone will know when I come and go because we are all in a row now (I’m sorta on the side where nobody really knows when I’m here or not. lol)
*I have to move all my junk! ugh! The files are the worst part!
but yeah, it should be alright.
I just had lunch and I feel sorta funky, like I’m gonna barf.
I hate that.
I think it’s when I eat too fast.
so anyway, do the happy dance with me! Four day weeks! Hell to the yeah!!!!
Back to the trenches.
jealous =
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Hooray! I’m so glad you got your Fridays back! 🙂 That is excellent! *massive hugs* ~
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Yay for an extra day off!!! Ding dong diggity!!!! Hahaha. I love you. Lol.
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Yay! Happy News. You can’t beat that schedule with a bat. People at my job get a day of working from home every week. I wonder if I’ll ever get the perk. Your office move sounds a lot similar to mine. Right outside of big wig’s office allowing him to see what I am doing when he walks out. And right in a spot where everyone knows if I am here or not. Blah.
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Yay!!! I love having Fridays off, expecially in the summer time for some reason.
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great news! 😀
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Nice! So you will have a Thurfriday every week! *is jealous*
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OMG, I would love having 4days a week. I could go out Thursday nights through Sunday morning. I look forward to my weekends so much though, but then again I think I only need 2-3 days to party per week and I’m set. RYN: Coconuts are awesome.
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I am soooo jealous!!! Can you get a privacy screen? :p They can not, must not infringe of your internet use!!!
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Right on! =) I am happy for you but I got you beat! As of Feb 5 I GET EVERY DAY OFF! Oh, oh wait… that isn’t a good thing… ROTFL =P RYN: My weekend was ok, too short. Got to hang with one of my Best Friends (She lives out in the AV and I live on the West Side – Culver City/Venice) so we went to go see Avatar in 3D again! How was your weekend? I guess I should read huh? LOL.
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Wooooooo to no work on Fridays! 🙂
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LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY YOU. I am slightly confused…so does this affect your pay at all? Or does it all work out?
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Glad you’re getting your old work schedule back again hun! 🙂 And yeah, I was also thinking about that too! (The, “them being able to see what you’re doing more.” (You’ll find your ways around your OD won’t ya!) 🙂 Lol. And yeah, I also hate that feeling as well. I think it does have to do with eating a little too fast and then your body trying to absorb it to digest it
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or something!
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That’s good news. I want Fridays off! My cubicle is right by a window and away from people when they first come into our office which is a bonus.
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aaaaaaaaaaah awesome!!!
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Throuw your computer monitor on a side angle so he’ll not see as much. This is what I suggest.
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I WISH I got every Friday off. Every other would be nice. We are like the only Oil and Gas Co. in Houston to work every single Friday. Hell.. I’d take half day Fridays. But no.
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I am jealous. Oh boy what joy! How are u enjoying your four day weekends so far ?
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