stupid money!!!!











 I really hate money. it’s stupid. and smelly. and covered in poop.













anybody got 3 grand they wanna loan me?


This sucks.

My credit is so bad I can’t even get some sort of mini loan for it, I imagine.

They offered me a settlement for half of what I owe. But I still have to pay half of THAT which is 3 grand.

It’s a good deal, but I can’t pull 3 grand out of my ass by the end of the month.

maybe by the end of the YEAR, but the month?


so i’m boned for 12 g’s and that’s gonna take forever to pay off.

oh well.

such is my life.

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October 15, 2009

Maybe you should sell your eggs. How much can you get for those?? I’m sure there are plenty of people wanting to get pregnant. Other than you, that is. 🙂

October 15, 2009

Why not go back to them with a propsal to pay them $1,000 a month for the next 3 months ? See if they take it.

🙁 i need 3g too. if only we were bank robbers. smart ones.

October 15, 2009

Money is EVIL!

October 15, 2009

I’ve been there. matter of fact, if i answered my cellphone more, I’m sure I’d be getting that kind of offer but I just avoid hearing about it while I send in my minimum payment and pray it somehow multiplies by the time it gets to them!

October 15, 2009

Unfortunately no, but I could use about $500 if you find a good donor.

October 15, 2009

I like Caring Thoughts idea. Can you do a bit at the time?

October 15, 2009


October 15, 2009

when that happened to me I just said f*ck it. there was no way I was going to pay those people 8000 when they sold said the car was worth 1000. What, are they stupid. I was not paying it after the stupid b!tch told me that. Credit was already jacked up. I just let the years go by and let it get written of. I know, bad, but I just couldn’t do it.

October 16, 2009

Money is such the evil! I’ve been thinking and saying that to myself, for I don’t know how long now!

October 16, 2009

Oh, and to add to that, we can’t even afford the money, to be loaning to MOM! Lol. But, sorry for the circumstances you’re in anyway!

October 17, 2009

Money may not really be covered with poop. However research has been done to show that many bills have traces of cocaine on them. And they probably do have traces of fecal matter as well, ewwww!