stupid divorce bullshit


 I’m all pissed off and agitated right now.

doing this divorce thing is really hard.

My head hurts and I don’t understand it all.

I don’t know what to do.

I just don’t.

I’ve been doing searches and crap online for free divorce papers. Lots of places offer them, even the county has a website with all the forms and help on filling them.

I can fill out the papers, that part is easy. But when it comes to serving them and getting it all finished, I run into roadblock.


Why they make it so hard to get this shit done when I’ve been abandoned for over 4 years is beyond me. My life is on fucking HOLD because of a piece of shit who stole from me and ran away with a brand new car and left me holding shambles.

I am juSt so DONE WITH THIS.

I just want help.

it will cost an extra 300 just to get some basic legal help and I just don’t want to pay anymore. I have 800 bucks right now to file the divorce and what I hoped would be enough for a newspaper ad (Or at least the first portion so I could save a few months for the second portion…)… but WHO KNOWS.

I just don’t know 🙁

I’m really just at a loss. My mind really hurts and I just don’t know what to do.

I have to breathe and take my time, but it’s just so hard. I’m getting really agitated and when I get overwhelmed nothing makes sense and I can’t even BEGIN to do this without really just wanting to curl up in a ball under my desk.

I wish I could get my california tax return and then I’d have the money to do it. I’d get this legal help and at least the FORM part of it would be done. they even offer help with filing a default whatever divorce at no extra charge.

I don’t want to wait until I can save up 400 more bucks for this.

I want to do it this Friday.
I want it done NOW.

My head hurts.

just kill me.

and i still have to be here at work for over an hour.

i can’t concentrate for crap.

this sucks.

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March 9, 2009

Hey! Call your local library and see if they have the number to a free legal advice hotline or something. We have that here in SC and I know things are majorly different between the states, but libraries really are a home to a plethora of information! Go see if they have any divorce handbooks! We have some! Don’t let it worry you. *massive hugs* Go to the library and get a card! They Rock!~

March 9, 2009

*is not ashamed of being a geeky library lady* ~

March 9, 2009

*hug* I’m sorry, sweetheart…

March 9, 2009

Seems to me that an ad in the paper would be enough for someone who has literally disappeared. States all have different rules, though, so who knows. I agree with the other noter that said something about a library. You could also call a women’s shelter, because they have access to those types of services too.

March 9, 2009

(hug) I hope that you can get this resolved. I hate it when men fail to do their part…

March 9, 2009

‘Luck with it hun! Hopefully, some peace will come from this soon, for you! In the meantime…Just try to hang in there!

March 9, 2009


March 9, 2009

Ryn: Yeah, dizzy spells ARE quite scary and freaky! And, LOL, at your comments, concerning your “gas” habits! Oh, That got a really loud laugh out of me, just a few minutes ago! (I guess…the laugher could be due from…that question of mine, actually being acknowledged by someone!) I perhaps, somtimes…tend to think, that…alot of people would consider that kind of question, to be a rather

March 9, 2009

foolish one to answer, and respond to…but…it’s been a curious question, that’s been playing in the back of my mind, for some time now! Lol. That’s just how random I am, about curious little things like that! Lol. Thanks for being one of the people, to respond to it, anyway! 🙂 Lol.

March 9, 2009

I’m so sorry hun. You’d think that since you haven’t seen your “husband” in so long, that someone could help you out. Would you be able to find him through the car? Like if you know the make/model/license plate numbers? LOVE YOU Huggles and squeezes and lovessssssssssssssss

March 9, 2009

There must be a free helpline, like your first noter suggested. Is there even a helpline just for filling the form in? You could start there.

March 9, 2009

hopefully there is someone out there that can see past the roadblocks to help you. How the heck is he driving this new car without having registration and a license that has some address?

March 9, 2009

hopefully there is someone out there that can see past the roadblocks to help you. How the heck is he driving this new car without having registration and a license that has some address?

March 9, 2009

🙁 this sounds tough! good luck with everything. i would try and offer advice, but it’s all based on television. does your town/county have a general help line you can possibly call? that might hep? hope everything works out :/

March 9, 2009

I don’t know how it works in Cali, but here after a certain amount of time the judge can’t act in a case like this and sign off on a divorce when one party is absent. *hugs* Good luck, I know this sucks.

March 9, 2009

laws vary by state and circuit. oftentimes, check the local library, or, call the court clerk and they will often tell you what is needed. Make sure to mention abandonment, running off and no idea of location. That may change things. They won’t give legal advice, but they will educate you on necessary procedures. It makes their life easier.

I’m so sorry. I’m incredibly behind on all my favs. I have to say though that I’m SO PROUD of you for starting this process!!!

March 10, 2009

*hugs* This whole thing is unfortunate and sucky. I wish there was something I could do to help. There should be some kind of pro bono legal service somewhere near you.

March 10, 2009

I think after 4 years of him not being around, they shouldn’t even question it. that is just BS. But Corbeau is right, there should be some free legal help in your area, we have it in OK also.

It’s good that you’re getting started with this process but I’m so sorry that it’s completely stressful and complicated. Hopefully you can find some sort of way to find the guy and whatnot. It seems ridiculous that you haven’t seen him in four years and you’d still have to serve him papers to divorce.

March 10, 2009

hugs! Doesn’t he see the kids???

Why do you have to take out a newspaper ad? Just wondering. . .

RYN: I don’t know what happened! No one could read my entries. I think I fixed it, if I didn’t let me know and I’ll try something else. I’m still learning this new layout stuff.

March 10, 2009

Wow! My divorce has been going on for almost 2 years… and has cost me about $5000 already (with at LEAST another $2000 to be charged) and my lawyer hasn’t even drawn up the divorce form… Hopefully you get some closure soon… have you looked into the laws? I know in Canada you can get a divorce after being abandonned by the other party without having that person served…

March 10, 2009

I have a friend who had something similar happen to her, it was in AZ though. What they do here is make you put an ad in the paper about the divorce or some ish like that. Don’t worry, you are smart and you CAN do this. My friend lives in San Bernardino (sp) county and I can ask her if she knows what the process is. She is super smart and helped me along with mine in AZ.