so not fun





so i just got a call from my cell phone people "pay your overdue amount or we shut off your phooooone"

blah. whatever.

can you believe i used over 1400 minutes last cycle?


how did I manage to do such insanity?!

Damn it.

 as it stands now i only have 500 minutes to use for the next 2 weeks.

blah to it ALL.

it’s evil i say!


so i paid the overdue amount (almost 200 bucks) and i’m just gonna have to eat it.

I’ll probably end up overdrafting again for my childcare cost… but ya know what.


as long as they just cover my ass, it’s what i have to do.

my childcare for this week si fine.

next week and the week after?

eh, not so much.

but oh well.

it’s what happens when money is a bitch whore.

i have never been more tired of writing about something in my entire life.


sick to DEATH.


so with that paid, i’m just sorta meh’d out.

i might just make my car payment a week late so that I don’t overdraft.

yeah, not the smartest, but i dont’ want to overdraft.

so i guess that’s what i’m gonna do.

maybe i’ll even do the grown up thing and call them and let them know whats going on.

i just don’t like their snarky evil operators.


oh and guess what! my car insurance will be due next month.

can someone fucking kill me.

jsut KILL ME.

god only knows what will be up with jonathon and his school. i MUST REMEMBER TO CALL THE Y TOMORROW.

you know what sucks? i’d so not be beyond trying to get some sort of financial assistance right now, but i make too much money.

i’m quite ready to file child support on jonathons father.

when i get this crazy, i know a couple hundred extra a month would be a godsend.

yeah, my word to never go after him must be broken.

he’s living the high life in arizona being a daddy to some other bitches kid.

so why the hell can’t he have to put up some money for his own son who he has never even SEEN in person. fucking jerk asshole cunt chunking ass slurping fucking loser jerk wad from hell.

oh i didn’t mention that did i?

yeah, he totally has pictures up of him and some kid smiling and laughing like he just ADORES kids. and he can’t even say "yeah, i have one who is almost SEVEN who i refuse to acknowledge cuz i’m a fucking LOSER PIECE OF SHIT."


awesome huh.

so now i’m officially pissed off and cranky.

and i go home in 25 minutes.

thank GOD.

Log in to write a note

/huggles! Chris

Ok, I’m confused…I missed the entry with you having moved (cheaper rent I presume)! The job you have now, isn’t that one way better paying than the one you had? So, why are things so much harder for you? Of course, all you have to say is, “It’s California!!!” ‘Nough said! 🙂

May 6, 2008

Son! you use a lot of minutes. I think I use like 50 minutes a month, but I use like 300 txt a day.

May 7, 2008

I hate to be the mother of reason here but you DID make a choice not to include either boys’ fathers in their lives. It’s the price you pay for exclusiveness. IF you’re willing to share the boys (& really think about that-there’s good points & bad points) with their fathers then you WOULD be some much needed & WELL DESERVED funding from the sperm donors. Just remember who’s choice this has been.

May 7, 2008

I with you on filing for child support. Why should you have to live uncomfortably because of him.

May 7, 2008

go for the child support! i can’t even stress that enough!!!