skipping lunch





I think hot coworker must be stressing about his baby that is going to be born any day now.

Cuz he totally bought a bunch of raffle tickets… and gave half of them to me. eh? why? He said he just wanted to. Ummm, right.

He "play punched" me in the arm again.

He’s sorta bugging me.

He’s also the one who said I looked exceptionally good this morning.

ha ha.


I wanted to tell him "yeah, that’s what happens when i have sex with my hot boy"

ha ha.

but i didn’t. don’t worry. har har.

so yeah. that’s oddness.


I just skipped lunch but don’t tell. However I am drinking water like a camel that has to stock up for a 4 day trip. I’ve had 64 ounces and i’m working on a new 32. I feel a little off balance.

and I should go pee.

I really had something to write about! honest!


but I just don’t.

My head feels all goofy.

I suppose I’ll nibble on some chicken while I go do another 4 minutes of work.

Really, if I did everything all at once I’d be done in an hour and still posting this much.

so yeah. I feel like I’m just managing my time effectively.


yeah, who am I kidding?!

Log in to write a note

I wanna know why the cake is lying! And you’re gonna drown yourself drinking too much water! Can that happen? It can. It so can. But I think you have to like drink continuously for like hours on end w/out pee pee? I don’t know. boop.