Great Blasted Jehoosefats!

So, I’m loopy and high on Dayquil. Or I was. It sorta died when my sister called and said "I can’t watch your kids tonight" SAY THE WHAT TO THE WHO?! god damn! ahhhh!!!!

She has some sort of dinner or SOMETHING AND CAN’T DO IT.

I wanted to scream.

so I was feeling like crap and death all rolled into one. My much anticipated day "off" was getting snatched away! Noooo!!!!

Needless to say I was in a flurry.

So I texted my big brother and asked him if he was free.

and he said YES.


He’s gonna be able to watch them until Sunday at noon which means I don’t have to rush about and all will be well.

Yay and *kasigh* and all the rest.

I was about to tell my family where to shove it with their "mothers appreciation" dinner they invited me to at this stupid church tonight.

Ok, so the church isn’t stupid, I just don’t really feel like going.

But I’ll go.

I’ll eat their food and leave. Ha ha.

I hope to get home by 9:30. yeah.

Speaking of Mothers Day… I already got two gifts from co workers! How nice of them! I got a cute little box with some cards in it (like blank cards / stationary) and then I go tthis little planter with a basil plant, gloves, and lotion. Awww the cuteness!


Mind you, these gifts are coming from the two women who don’t have any kids. Go figure.

But adorable and I feel so liked.

It’s weird to feel liked.

And it’s weird to feel this … happy.

this "i’m not impending with the doom"… even though i AM impending with the damn it to hell doom!

oh well.

i’ll work it.

it’s rare i don’t feel weighed down.

i can’t wait to see him.

it’s seriously feels like it’s been a long time when it hasn’t. ha ha… I keep looking at his picture… sigh.

I’m dumb.

I keep forgetting to post my paint pic cuz I haven’t finished it. I might finish it today.

keep your eyes peeled!


argh. an hour and a half left.

I guess I can manage.

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May 9, 2008
May 12, 2008

My co worker gave me a brownie Friday.