schwa schwiggits
oh my gosh, i got SO BUSY YESTERDAY.
lots of crazies came in. I’ll have to do an entry about them. I also must talk about the crazy guy in the dealership who kept ranting about the joys of nudist colonies.
i’m not kidding.
speaking of car dealership… MY CHECK ENGINE LIGHT CAME BACK ON!!!!
grrrrrr. i’m so calling there in like half an hour and ranting and raving at them. it was so funny, cuz some customer service rep called me doing a survery on my satisfaction with their work on my car. i told her i was mad cuz my light came back on RIGHT after i got it worked on there.
grrr. they better fix it… RIGHT.
and for FREE!
damn it.
I didn’t get my booty call the other night.
I’m so horny.
but my body is doing weird stuff and I’m spotting. what is THAT ALL ABOUT!!!
Obviously, the bomb office didn’t blow up. I’m happy. heh… and for those that don’t know, it was an office i went tot he other day to work but it was closed due to a bomb threat. yeah. wahoo.
and stuff.
i have piles of paper to file.
damn the man.
and my icq won’t connect.
*snuffly snuff*
🙁 dammit.
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=) I love your entries! Oh, I loved your pictures also! =)
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God. Don’t EVEN get me started on f*cking car dealerships and fixing the mistakes that they SHOULD have fixed the other 40 times the car was brought into service. Grrr. GOod luck with yours. Hope you get that booty call 🙂
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Evil Check Engine Lights SUCK!!! You know fault this is, right? …. THE MAN!!!! Damn him!!!!
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Damn that light!! I hope they fix it!!!!
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*grrrrr* Car dealerships!! They SUCK! Ack!
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Stupid check engine lights. It’s all part of how The Man keeps you down.
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i hope they haven’t ripped you off???
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