rambling with the sickness

Is it over yet?

can I go home?

the meds are wearing off the body aches slowly creep over my body.

makes me want to cry.

and cry.

and cry.

i don’t wanna go home and cook,but I will. I’m just throwing roasts into the oven, so I guess it’s not that intense.

i just want to lay in my bed.

i but up some more BBD, two short sections. I can’t focus enough to really write well and I just don’t want to fuck up my story by writing like a dolt because i’m sick.

stupid sickness!!!!

5 people are retiring today.

you’d think with all these people jumping ship they could stop cutting my damn pay and let me live.

damn it.

the end.


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July 29, 2009

i’m so sorry you’re not well, i do hope you’re feeling better soon!

July 29, 2009

Feel better 🙂

July 29, 2009

Drink some orange juice! Pee out that sickness!

July 29, 2009

*hands you soup* Feel better.

July 29, 2009

OOH! OOH! Better yet! Cough on your retiring coworkers’ stuff when no one is looking! Give them a farewell gift to remember you by!

July 29, 2009

=( Feel better!

July 29, 2009

Oh, poor baby. *cuddles and soup*

July 29, 2009

Here here!!! Hope you feel better soon kitten.

July 29, 2009


July 29, 2009

🙁 Body aches are so terrible. HUGS I hope you feel better dear

July 29, 2009

hey hey hey, you’ll be ok.

July 30, 2009

I was sick for 2 weeks and that’s not like me. I think it was mostly stress, though.

July 30, 2009
July 30, 2009

I hate trying to write when I’m not in the right frame of mind. I’m also that way with scrapbooking. Sometimes I just end up with a crappy page.