Rage against the machine


 So when I moved my cubicle I found a little post it with the old proxy address on it.

So I put it in the little connections thingie bob and ta daaa… my secret gmail chat is back.

I’m really not sure how long this server is going to be up since they told us to change to the other one.

but for now, I’m gonna rock it. and if they ask me why I’m using it, I’ll say "uhhh, I don’t know. I just click the internet and do what I gotta do"

it won’t be too hard. everyone else is computer retarded, why can’t I pretend too?!

I bet I could even go do my facebook applications, but I won’t. too many chances for a big muckety  muck to walk by. I have no desire for him to see me goofing off on facebook.

But if push comes to shove…


sadly, i’m getting used to the wiggle of my monitor. I really hope someone comes to look at it though.

I sent another message to the guys supervisor.

we’ll see what happens.

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January 19, 2010

How are you sneaking OD? And you are a genius with the proxy address thingy… 🙂

January 19, 2010

They need to come on with it in fixing your wiggley monitor. I’m a computer retard too. 🙂

January 19, 2010

HUGS Glad ya got your gmail chat back, even if it IS only for the time being! And yes, despite you having gotten a bit used to it now, I still hope something can be done for the wiggle problem you have there.

Ah, you are very smart with your sneaking skills, grasshoppa.

January 19, 2010

I feels trixed!! I thought this was gonna be a gnarly RAtM entry and I was gonna be like “YO! I TOTALLY WAS AT THE BATTLE OF LOS ANGELES!” but alas… its no…. I loved Rage, I am so stoked they got back together to do some dates.

January 19, 2010

Yay for secret Gmail chat! LOL I loves it, I has a droid phone so its hard not to get into trouble for doing stuff at work I shouldn’t be doing lol.

January 19, 2010

KpinK: even in school OD wasn’t blocked… As for wiggly computers… HATE!

January 19, 2010

I could technically get myself online without a filter from the office I’m working at right now, but I know I wouldn’t close it back up.