put up yo dukes !!!!


i hate when i feel put on the defensive. but i can’t help it.



even if i DO want to be in a “serious” relationship right now… i’m probably not ready for it. i’m really clingy and needy and i’d bug the krap out of any guy that ventures into that territory.

If i was inviting guys over to play board games would I be getting this much flack?

having a guy over to dinner?

or maybe to help me fold laundry?

it’s virtually the same thing.

and yet, i’m getting told i’m not doing what is best for my children.

MY CHILDREN AREN’T EVEN INVOLVED. I don’t wake them up and make them prance around in front of my company. they are always sleep. and if i wanted to do something at a time when they would be awake, i’d not have them around. I’m careful with my childrens feelings. I already feel bad that jonathon was around jesse, for jesse to just up and leave. I’m not going to have my sons get attached to some male just for him to go. i think that is WAY better for them than me trying to get into a relationship with any “good” guy right now. I don’t believe he exists really.

but regardless… i don’t even have a “track” record right now. I don’t DO ANYTHING. I work all week long and I look forward to spending my weekends with my CHILDREN.

and oh, i’ve just so happened to have a guy over, after they are asleep.. what THREE TIMES IN A MONTH. oh the horror!!!!

and get this… 2 of those times it was the same guy!!! have mercy lord jesus, lets all go fling ourselves off a cliff.

Nobody knows how I sacrifice for my children. i’m TWENTY FOUR YEARS OLD and i don’t go to the movies. i don’t have friends who live near me. i don’t go out. i don’t leave my children with my family unless i have no other options or it’s for a special thing maybe once or (*gasp*) twice a month, and even that hasn’t been done since jacob was born. my life is my children and i don’t mind it that way.

but if i hear one more person berate me for inviting a guy over (which is perfectly normal as far as i’m concerned.) I’m going to scream. I’m not doing anything wrong.

What would be wrong is if I threw myself into a relationship right now when i’m obviously not ready and got all emotionally raped and let my children join into that sort of pain.

nope, not doing it.

and if i equate a good boning with watching a movie or “hanging” out, then so be it.

anybody who has a problem with that, then i suggest you not do it. but just quit acting lke i’m doing something that is going to hurt my children. if you knew ANYTHNING about me, you’d KNOW i have a lot more sense than that and that my children are a lot more important and precious to me than “having sex”

now get out of my diary you stupid fiends. you have no place in my world.

i called you a stupid fiend.

not YOU… them… those idiots over there drooling on themselves.

drool is so last year.



i so took pictures. i shall share them over the weekend.

i tried to upload them last night, but got caught up chatting with people.


oooo… i wonder if my children are going to be damaged.


i think i’ll let them have cookies and gumdrops for dinner to make up for it.

and then i’ll make sure they watch me make out with the next guy i invite over…


cuz i’m a good mom.

*note* if you didn’t detect the sarcasm there, then you’re an idiot and don’t you DARE leave me a note or i’ll find a way to get into your brain and i’ll poop on your upper right cortex.

or something.


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November 14, 2003

drew his first face???

November 14, 2003

Can I come to your house for dinner? I could use a good candy meal! 😛

November 14, 2003

I find your behavior perfectly groovy. No worries here.

If you were a guy… no-one would care… grrrrrrr Loves yas!!!!!!

November 14, 2003

Oh, perhaps I’m a whore as well. The first time Carey and I had sex, he was dating my friend and I was dating someone as well…and next thing I know, we are going at it hot and heavy in the front seat of his Ford. Yeah, that was nearly five years ago. Yeah, and we even got married. Such a whore. Lmao!

You SO don’t need to justify your bonings. You are plain awesome. I wish there were more mothers like you in the world!!

November 14, 2003

Oh man, I want to see that picture soooo bad!! How adorable! *Pointedly ignoring all the other stuff because I think I made myself very clear in my notes on your last entry.* And if I didn’t then let me reiterate *GO STUFF YOURSELF ANONYMOUS NOTER!!* Oh wait, that’s her problem, she’s NOT getting stuffed! Hee! Take care of yourself Monique and don’t worry what that shithead says! *hugs*

November 14, 2003

dont let the jerks get you down, honey. see how many of us LOVE YOU!!! (((HUGGLES)))

November 14, 2003

I didn’t mean to put you on the defensive. I do think that you take care of your kids. I was trying to say something nice when I said you deserve better. Don’t you want better for yourself. I’m not saying a serious relationship but how about someone who has some respect for you?? I don’t care how much you say it’s just for sex…I’ve been there and it’s not…

November 14, 2003

as for you being all clingy and needy when you get into a relationship. I personally think you are going for the wrong guys. Ones who don’t want to be in a relationship. When you find the right one there is no such thing as being too needy or clingy…it’s just those stupid guys who make up those stupid rules about how they want their women to be. Ugh…men can be such bastards.

November 14, 2003

I just think it would be nice to see you want more for yourself. It’s your life and you will do whatever you want.

People are stupid. I get notes like that all the time on my “real” diary. Saying I’m a “whore” which doesn’t exactly make sense because I’ve been in the same relationship for almost 14 months, and I’ve only slept with him in the past 14 months. So then they just tell me he uses me for ass–which too is silly. They’re just jealous…you’re gettin some. 😀

November 14, 2003

*sigh* Honestly, Monique, you’re my hero. You’re doing SO well with raising your children that it makes my head spin (well, my head can’t spin, but it really wants to!), and you’re very blunt and unapologetic about your sex life. I admire that. You want some, you say so. Nothing wrong w/that. *whispers* I wish I had half the sex drive you have. It seems more fun that way.

November 14, 2003

*grumbles* I think I need to take those “passion enhancing” pills for women or something. It bothers me that I’m NOT raging with the fits of horniness. Anywho, I’d say that the cretins who hide behind anonymity & then think they’re justified in trying to belittle you are (1) failures (because, as you can see from all this support, no one thinks any less of you) & (2) FLAMING F*CKTARDS.

November 14, 2003

How dare that JERK come here and tell you what’s good for you and what isn’t. How dare they tell you what you’re ALLOWED and not ALLOWED to do/feel/etc. You know yourself and your situation, and that’s a lot more than most people can honestly claim. You know that an attempt at maintaining a relationship at this point in your life would be futile and downright harmful. But DAMN…

November 14, 2003

WHAT’S WRONG WITH HAVING A LIL FUN NOW AND THEN? GOOD FREAKING LORD. Do you go out to bars and bang everything with a ding dong? NO. Do you stand on a street corner and holler into the passing cars, asking if they “wanna date”? NO. Oh, and calling your children names…. why in the flying F*CK did they do that??? TOTALLY uncalled for. SO rude. Can’t believe people are THAT indecent.

November 15, 2003

*more huggles* Can’t wait to see his face! =o)

you tell ’em! just because you have kids you can’t be expected to stop having sex my god people need to grow up

“Nobody knows how I sacrifice for my children. i’m TWENTY FOUR YEARS OLD and i don’t go to the movies.” You shouldn’t have had kids so young with 2 different sperm donors, then you’d be able to go to the movies. Speaking of movies, you don’t even make enough to take your older kid to the movies, much less afford COLLEGE so that your kids don’t end up like you.

November 16, 2003

yeah uh why do you care so much?? she’s 24, not 16. do you hear her whining about not doing stuff- no she takes responsibility. Mistakes happen. (Mon, I am not calling your children mistakes because I know you love them dearly … but I am sure at first you were like “Oh no”… ) Some people like sex. Heaven forbid.