peeing in the bed
So when I talked to my step mom last night she said that Jacob has been having a lot of accidents when he takes naps and goes to sleep at night. He has his drinks cut off around 7 and they have tried making him go to the bathroom multiple times before he sleeps to help. but he keeps peeing in his pants and subsequently on their couch… basically ruining it.
I’m sure it can be cleaned, but still, it’s full of my sons piss right now.
My dad just called me to rant and rave about ti because it’s happened about 8 times THIS WEEK. There have only been 2 days and 3 nights this week, meaning he has pee’d more than once a day in his pants.
I immediately spoke to him and he basically told me he thinks if he pee’s that way, it’ll make me come get him and he can come home.
I know this is affecting him a lot. He is very attached to me and doesn’t like to be away from me for a long time. They are staying with my parents 5 days out of the week and this is only the second week. I’ms ure it will get better, but now we are in the battle zone.
So now he will have to be in pull ups or something. At first it will bother him. But I can almost guarantee that he will get comfortable with it and STILL pee in his pants, even though it won’t ruin the furniture. I’m tempted to tell them to just punish him until he stops and reward him when he doesn’t.
and i mean punish.
make him write standards and stuff. Like "I will use the bathroom"… which is a huge set of words for a 5 year old, but I don’t know what else to do. I was sure my dad was gonna charge me extra to get his couch cleaned (even though the couch is over 20 years old… it was made back in teh day when stuff was made well and long lasting!) or something.
I don’t know what to do.
it makes my head hurt.
yay more stress for me!
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ugh. i can only imagine how frustrating it is, but sad too! it’s so weird how little kids can have that kind of logic, “okay, if i do this bad thing… then then this good thing will happen.”
hope things get taken care of soon. i know this is hard on all of you but hang in there. <3
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He is a kid. They respond to emotional changes differently than adults. I wouldn’t punish him…but I would do something. I hope he’s okay.
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i don’t think I would punish him, in his mind that is the way to go home.
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Poor kid…
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Wait when did the kids start staying with your parents most of the week? I must have missed something…… Poor kid.
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I’ll bet you’ve already tried this but he needs to help clean it up. Hannah hates that I make her help clean up when she doesn’t pay attention (with her it’s a bladder problem, which makes her have to pay closer attention to when she has to go) and has an accident. Mop the floor, put the clothes in the wash, scrub carpets… *big hugs*
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Is he sleeping when he does it?
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