Packrats, Phallic Traffic Signs, and Whining. yay!
Oh, why is it only Wednesday? It should be Saturday. I could be in my room sleeping. bah!
I overslept today. sucks. Good thing tehre was no vanpool.
Bad thing there was no vanpool mainly because I lost my cell phone yesterday and that’s the ONLY place it could be… safely. You see, I checked the time right before the van pulled up, so I know I had it then. I got home, no phone. If it fell out when I got out of the van or into my car, i’m screwed. I drove over there last night to check (2 hours after i was dropped off)… no phone or remnants thereof. (is that spelled right? ugh)
Now I have to do a search for the vanpool drivers number (pray let his personnel file be up to date!) and then I have to hope he’s home to answer his phone and go check for me. I’m worried and I hate it.
on another note… have you ever noticed how phallic (spelling again? i revolt against spellcheck!) the arrows on traffice signs are? Very. Curvy penis’ everywhere! And the signs with THREE DIRECTIONAL ARROWS are ALIEN penis’!
or is it peni.
i have no idea.
who refers to multiple man organs?
I guess I do!
yay for the peni!!!!!
I’m very happy my friend got back from Thailand safely. Welcome back you!
What else.
I should have time to update the ole story today. Though, my desk is hellatious. I need to clean it and make it look like i have less work sitting around that I’m not doing. It really is just junk that I can’t bring myself to throw away because it has like TWO lines of important information and I know I"ll need it.
because it keeps happening. Everytime I throw something away or delete it, I end up needing the info. I pondered just making an "informational log" and then I realized I’d probably forget it was there and it defeats the purpose.
Thus, piles of paper for whatever good reason.
It’s the pack rat in me.
More randomly, I’m going to try and throw a pre-Christmas party with my brother and his kidlets. I want them to have good memories of ole Auntie Monique. I know my favorite Aunt, Debbie, is like this… warm fuzzy person in my life who just makes me happy no matter what and who I know will make me smile when I need it. I want my nieces and nephews to feel that too. Especially since I’m one of their closest aunts. I mean, my little sisters probably don’t seem like "grown up aunties" to them, so I’m theonly one. My brother doesn’t talk to my other siblings (which upsets me greatly) so…I’m it.
Anyway, gonna try to have them over this Saturday andmake cookies and stuff. Should be interesting. he wants us to go to his house, but I have to see if he’ll let me use his kitchen and stove (he shares a big ole house with some friens now i guess… very interesting situation)…
anyway, I guess I’ll go start organizing my desk, wandering the halls, editing, and being awake.
Humpday is for humping!
I’m the cool aunt for my nieces. In that all of their other aunts and uncles are at least 20 years older than I. Thems the breaks. Oh. And I refuse to grow up. It’s just not fun.
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I guess i never noticed traffic signals were phallic you have a dirty mind hee
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🙂 did you find your phone yet???
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May I be added to your faves please?
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i cannot wait until my brother makes me an aunt!!!!
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🙂 <3 Annie-Rae
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