Ok, Help me out with Hollysims’s Hair!

Ok, so first… I put Holly in a few of my favorite Sim Hairstyles… and I need to know which looks best. Of course, Holly could overrule it all and tell me she wants something else entirely… but what do you guys think?


(yeah, check out the cleavage yo. ha ha!)


sorta like the first one, but longer…


hee hee… party on!


Oh look, you can see her neighbors house! ha ha



this hair is really long, but i like it!


that’s the original hair.


so which do you like?

Next entry… the house! (which took me forever and made me crazy… hahahah, and it’s still not right!)


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I found you on the front page. Hope you don’t mind me dropping in? I love the Sims, so I had to check it out. lol I like #2 & #5.

October 20, 2006

keep the original. 😉

I like #4 or #5. Definitely keep the cleavage though. Sincerely, A Male Reader. ;-p

Hair style number 2!!! <3 Annie-Rae

October 20, 2006

I want some cleavage. I want a sims thing just so I can have some cleavage. 😛 Jk.

October 20, 2006

number 2!!!!