Ohhhh I wanna dance with someboday!








 I just ate a mini Nestle Crunch Bar and I am not ashamed!!!!
















I haven’t QUITE tested it, but normally, youtube videos DON’T load on my work computer.

well, with the new SUPER NIFTY and SUPER MEAN servers (which I’m gonna stream the readio and NOT CARE because they are MEAN TO ME!!!!) THEY SUDDENLY ALLOW YOUTUBE VIDEOS.

but not facebook.

does it make sense?

It allows fucking TWITTER!!!

but not facebook.

stupid servers. me hates you! fsk fsk fsk!

So the kittens are pooping all over the place.


They are now bathroom kittens so they can get to the litter box.

2 more weeks and they are gone.

i really need someone to adopt the two females. I don’t know what to do with them! I can’t keep them! I don’t want to put them in the pound and I dont’ want to craigslist any animals around halloween, especially cats.


my head hurts.

i leave work in about 10 minutes.



I had teh worst Baboo withdrawals a few minutes ago.

so I called him.

he’s like "i know you miss me, i’m the shiz"


he is getting so cocky and not giving me enough cock.


i crack myself up.

hopefully, in 2 weeks, after the vagina doctor says my innards are super healthy and amazing I can get him to pound me daily for at least a week. I deserve it.

sounds like a plan.

did I mention I’ve taken to masturbating in the bathroom after he’s sleep?

It’s a sad sad existence.

I’d do it right next to him, but it’s almost like performance anxiety and I’d never get off with him there. lol.

but the bathroom has a closed door.



i think the crunch bar i just ate is making me hyper.

someone made no bake cheese cake.

i don’t even like cheese cake.

i ate a few bites (like 2)

and it was good.

it had blackberries on it.

that was the best part.

i do love the berries.

dingle berries.

*wink wink nod nod*

i need to get impregnated next year.


I’m more than happy to wait till next year! I truly am!

You know what I miss?


maybe since Baboo wants me to exercise, he won’t mind giving up the tv for an hour so I can do it.


i doubt he will.

oh well.

i want to dance. and dance.

ndance ndance ndance!

or at least step on arrows and jump and pretend like i’m dancing.

har har.

i was a good dancer once. I took a bunch of years of modern dance while in college. I was decent. and skinny as hell.

and hell, my friends, is pretty skinny.

105 pounds is like… so distant.

I’ll never be that again! *sob sob*


i just want to stop LOOKING PREGNANT.

I’ll probably stop looking pregnant just in time to GET pregnant again.

but at least when I start to show people will notice.

ha ha.

i’m lame.

dance with me. (oh crap, can’t edit, it’s time to go! eep!)

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October 14, 2009

Awe… kittehs!! Yeah, I can understand your hesitation… people are weird about cats and halloween. Don’t want the furballs part of some ritual.

October 14, 2009

you’re crazy for not liking cheesecake! YUM! *dances*

here is what you do for the ddr. sit him so he can watch you ddr and he can watch your boobies bounce! haha Chris

October 14, 2009
October 14, 2009

You don’t look pregnant. You don’t like cheesecake?! Wha?

October 14, 2009

lol i think you look just fine damnit!!!!! oh and i have never played DDR but ihear its hella fun!!

October 14, 2009


October 14, 2009

I was thinking about commenting on your note by saying something like you should dress up as a wench and have Baboo dress up as a pirate and see if you could get a few “random pirate ‘entries'” so you could getcha some. I’ll shut up now, don’t want to be blamed for giving you any ideas or sumtin 😉 Can you belive this fvcking weather? We’re suppose to be in the mid 80’s/low 90’s by the weekend! Gotta love So. Cal!

October 15, 2009

Ha ha ha ha I love that song (your title) sooo 80’s cheese…hee hee hee…I wanna feel the HEAT with somebody…ha ha ha…

October 17, 2009

I just ate a crunch ice cream bar. It was yummy! I love cheesecake. That’s a good idea to not post an ad for the kittens so close to Halloween. You don’t want some potential weirdo, sacrificing them…