I just went to the Nanowrimo page to log my word count when I saw this news (I’ll cut and paste):

Breaking News

Posted by: Chris Baty on 11/09/2008

News we could all use

Need another great reason to keep those sights set on 50K? Our fantastic sponsor CreateSpace, whose sponsorship helped fund NaNoWriMo and the Young Writers Program this year, is offering all NaNoWriMo 2008 winners a free proof copy of your manuscript in paperback book form. They’ll even cover basic postage! We’ll post details on the Special Offers page and the "I Wrote a Novel, Now What?" page on December 1.

If you have any questions before then please drop the good folks at CreateSpace an email or check out their community boards.

Meanwhile, back in the trenches, I sent out a pep talk tonight challenging everyone in NaNoLand to get to 15,000 words by bedtime on Monday. For those of you who are already booking on towards 25K and 30K, please keep writing fearlessly and know that we’ll see you at the finish line. Please also know that I’ll be using my site admin status to quietly siphon off your excess words so I can put them in my own progress bar.

Sorry about that.

Bwa ha ha.


CAN’ YOU BELIEVE THAT?! I could get my manuscript in a paperback form? Do you know hwo fucking AWESOME that would be?

I seriously have to finish. There is no doubt. This isn’t the first book I’d want published like that, but I’ll take it! oh man!!!


*Edit: Oh my lord, I just looked at the site. it is SO COOL. Like seriously, i’m like all tingly cuz this is exactly the sort of thing I have been wishing I could do! They will actually advertise the books and then when people buy them, they get their cut and then i get the whatever is left! can you believe that?! And really, with the MOST AWESOME response of so many of you that read my stuff,i thinkI could ACTUALLY do it. wouldn’t that be unreal?

I feel like peeing myself.

hahahah, i’m super excited! how fucking awesome!!!!!

ahhhhhhhh!!! *dies*

Log in to write a note
November 10, 2008


November 10, 2008

HOLY CRAP that IS awesome!! I’ll still post mine on FictionPress but that would be SWEET!

November 10, 2008

I’d buy your book! x x

November 10, 2008

PS *passes you a cup* Pee here instead of yourself!!

That’s awesome! Makes me wish I did one too. [btw, I added you as well.]

November 10, 2008

That is great news! I still haven’t had the chance to read a lot of it but you will know when you start getting random notes from previous chapters, lol.

November 10, 2008

I saw that too! But I didn’t go any further than reading the note. I’m going to investigate now. Sounds amazing.

November 10, 2008

that is pretty awesome!! If i were a writer i’d be in heaven too. đŸ™‚

November 10, 2008

RYN: You should take a picture of you enjoying a tasty in N out burger.

November 10, 2008

I’m probably the only person on the planet out of the loop on NANOWRIWHATTHEHELLEVERITISMO. From what I’ve gathered from fav’s entries, it a story someone is telling and you have so many words you have to complete by a certain timeframe… I’m probably so wrong. My book would be the shortest ever – I’m not that creative and don’t have that much to say. =

November 10, 2008

AH! that is sooo cool, but please refrain from peeing yourself… it will only kill your good mood. *SMILES*

awesome đŸ˜€ Chris

November 10, 2008

Dude… I looked around and YEAH! That is awesome, because… yeah. YEAH… and I do like the fact that you can set the price, therefor getting more customers. I didn’t get a choice in setting the price on my first book, and it was so high that it turned people off to buying it.

November 10, 2008

Wow.! So is that like…applicable for anyone whose writing a Novel on NanoWrimo this year and happens to reach that many words, or what? Because, that DOES seem pretty awesome! đŸ™‚ Lol. And LOL at you saying that you feel like peeing yourself.! I almost coughed and choked when you said that from laughing.! đŸ™‚ Eeeeeek.! “Squeezes hands together in giddy silly fashion and smiles.” Lol. đŸ™‚

November 10, 2008

Hope this turns out however it turns out.! Hugs.!