Oh No Zombies! Pass the Vodka!!!!




Damn Dexter. Work what what ya mama gave ya!

8 DAYS!!!!!

I never thought I’d see you, *sniff sniff* Oh Dexter *sniff sniff*, so far along in the grass towards the end of the line.

Right beyond that last little green blade… is a PARTY!!!! WOOO!!!!

I think I’m gonna be talking about Vegas all day today. Be warned. I’ll probably annoy you so much, you’ll hate me AND Vegas.

*snortle* (A mix between a snort and a chortle)

Anyway! hi!

Last night I was bad.


I don’t have to confess, but I will.

I was driving home and I was feeling… well… ANGSTY!!!!

I was also tired and grouchy and rawr!!!!

So I played a little game in my head (I do this a lot, with various conditions)… and if I saw 3 blue vans, I got to have McDonalds for dinner.


I know, horrible.

And like a message from heaven, three blue vans passed me within moments of each other.


So yeah, I had some chicken nuggets and iced tea and a teensy smallsy fry… McDonalds is the last torch bearer of good fast food fries. All this "Natural Cut" nonesense is just hogwash and they don’t taste as good! And Burger King fries taste like they fry them three or four times to get that weird thick crust and I hate them. Blah!

Anyway, when I got home I ate and then decided to turn on my computer to charge my walkman. Immediately I was faced with stupid internet issues. I called lame ass Time Warner who re-set my signal or whatever they do and said "Oh we’re not getting a response from your modem blah blah blah" and as soon as they were transferring me to schedule a service appointment the internet came back on. WHATEVER. I politely said that the problem had resolved and hung up.

Later on I got a call from the new neighbor lady (I need to think of a name for her… hmmmm) and she wasn’t able to connect to the wireless… so I walked her through it and all was well.

but it pissed me off something fierce because not only was the internet being a spaz, the fucking walkman wouldnt’ connect!

I am blaming Windows Vista, because it’s OBVIOUSLY a driver issue. In order to make the fucking shit work I have to uninstall the drivers, reset the player, and then reinstall the drivers… EVERY TIME I PLUG IN.

That is lame as fuck. It won’t register the player unless I do that. I don’t blame Sony because its more likely Vista than the player itself.

Stupid dumb panty sniffing WINDOWS VISTA!!!!


So anyway, when all that was said and done I decided to go dance (DDR!).

So I danced for about 45 minutes and got 275 calories burned. wheeee!

then I showered and laid down to watch one of my netflix movies… a zombie flick called Days of Darkness.

The acting was HORRIBLE, but it was good with the zombie action! I liked it! I’d so buy it, cuz I’m strange. I like bad zombie movies. I don’t know why. And it was the sort of scenario I can see myself getting into… but hopefully surviving better.

Those people were spazzes. A crazy selfish fat washed up actor guy who didn’t want to share his gun. A retired porn star and her daughter. A gay guy who had lost his partner and their three year old daughter (that was sad). Two car salesman (Slash and some black guy I forget his name, hilarious). Some ex military woman who needed to cut her bangs. And this guy and girl who had gone camping, and the girl was supposedly a virgin but they found out she was pregnant ha. OH and don’t forget the crazy religious nut who was actually having a sexual identity crisis (he kissed the gay guy when he was dying and then killed him saying he was a sinner, and then tried to have sex with the porn starts daughter… and he opened their gate and let a bunch of zombies into the compound!!!!) and his zombie brother in the basement. ha ha.

I told you they were spazzes!

The end had a twist. I don’t know if anyone will want ot see it, but I’m spoiling the ending right now… being drunk killed the zombies. hahaha. Well, made them not able to infect you. Because these zombies were created from a space parasite that crashed into the earth from a meteor. and only the people who were drunk on the night of the implosion didn’t turn into zombies.

hahaha, awesome. Lets all get drunk so we don’t turn into zombies! woooo!

Vegas will be a safe haven! ha ha.

Anyway!! I was also talking to Baboo off and on. Ya know, as much as he would like to deny it, he really is perceptive and knows when to apologize and doesn’t like to be a total jerk meanie assface. He said something that offended me… basically that one of the only reasons he stayed around in the relationship is because he likes the way my dad is.

Now… iniitally a statement like that just sounds plain WEIRD and then it just worked under my skin cuz he kept saying it was the only reason he stayed with me (He had been drinking a little too and we had been talking about heavy stuff like finances and declaring bankruptcy and all manner of depressing crap like that so it was just a weird vibe all around) and it just pissed me off.

So I ended the conversation and laid in the dark trying to make myself go to sleep even though I was upset.

And then he called me back (as he usually does when things between us aren’t right. We both feel it….) and apologized and said that he didn’t mean for it to come out like that. He just wanted to express that he really likes the way I was raised, my upbringing. So in a sense, the way I was brought up and who I became is something he likes.

I guess.

I dunno.

We should just NOT have drunken conversations where only one of us is intoxicated. hahahah.

We will BOTH be a giant mess in Vegas. I swear, it’s gonna be a total wreck.

I told him that he’s not allowed to move from where he is when I go to the bathroom. I know I’m gonna be practically LIVING in these bathrooms cuz of the alcohol. My bladder is just not sturdy enough to really hold up for very long when I start drinking (anything, including water or tea, probably have some bladder issue, but it’s not like I can fix it before Vegas!) so yeah. I’m jsut scared of him getting a wild hair up his ass and wandering away when I’m gone and me not being able to find him and having my Vegas time ruined.

I won’t let it ruin it though, I’ll find some people to party with me (probably not, I’ll just cry and sob and go back to the hotel room and cry some more. ha ha!) and yeah… ha ha.


ANYWAY… it’s my Thurfriday today! wheeee!

I am going home later and then leaving around 7 to get my boys from my dads house. I’m sorta anxious to see them this week. I dunno whats different. Maybe cuz I won’t see them for a really long time cuz next weekend is my birthday…. anyway, yeah…

Friday we will go shop and I’ll probably just go to the gym and get them signed up for the kids club thingie and then we’ll go to Costco and get our free pizza and tra la la down the lane!


I should probably go do something work related.

I love how the first hour of work is all about OD for me.

OD and emails. hahahahah.


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Sounds like it’s going to be ssssooo much fun. 🙂 I am going to be so bad and spend money I don’t have for a lunch I shouldn’t eat…CHEESEBURGER!

April 9, 2009

_/ <— there’s your vodka M. xxxxxxxxx

April 9, 2009

Tis my thurfriday as well! my birthday blows.

its my thurfriday too this time! so there!

April 9, 2009

mmmm mcdonalds. I don’t know, every time I stop by your diary these days I leave craving food. Damn you!

April 9, 2009

I play that same game. That’s too funny. I’m sure things will be fine in Vegas. Just stay happy when drinking and things will be great. Vodka is your friend.

April 9, 2009

mmmmmmmm mcd’s, that sounds SO good right now (well, anything does…I’m hungry)

April 9, 2009

I am a Mcdonalds zombie.

April 9, 2009

Haha. The McDonald’s angels. 😛

April 9, 2009

It sucks when your internet f-cks up on ya! Glad it’s working again though!

April 9, 2009

I so got to see that movie.

April 10, 2009

Windows….Mojave!?! Hahah.