oh craig, *giggle* i love your LIST.

Ok, first of all.. WHERE ARE ALL MY PEEPS?

is this quiet hush hush thursday? did i not get the memo?

I’ve never read ALL of my favs bevore LUNCHTIME!

ha ha.

second, i’m looking craigslist right now.

holy crap.

why don’t i always look here?

lots of ads.

some seem shady.

like a 3 bedroom HOUSE for under 1200 a month?

are you serious?

LESS than what i’m paying NOW for two rooms?

i’m sending out emails. I always hesitate to call cuz I’m all weird and have that social anxiety thing. If they email me back with more details, i may have some hot tickets to look at.

It gets me sorta excited.


ok, back with details later!

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nice wiggle!

January 8, 2009

that’s awesome, even for here in jersey standards. i found newly rennovated houses for under a grand a month. of course i don’t need a whole house but i find it hard to believe if i chose to, i could rent a house for less than a one bedroom apartment.

I always forget how expensive CA really is until I realize that $1200/mo. is standard here, and not there. Yikes. How do you survive?? I love your title btw. lol

wiggle wiggle 🙂 Chris

yeaaaaa i used craigslist to look up apartments (and jobs!) in erie while i’m bored at work (hehe i’m so horrible)… but yea. some are shady. you just gotta be careful you’re not getting scammed. good luck! 🙂

January 8, 2009

Glad to be back…I have been neglecting OD for so long and I don’t know what shizzle is going down!

January 8, 2009


January 8, 2009

One night, late into the wee hours, you’ll look under your bed and in the shadows will be the word plyometrics.

Well I’m not one of your faves, but I do enjoy your entries…I’ve had a busy few days. Hope you weren’t feeling too abandoned by everyone 🙂 RE: the rent price – we’d pay more than that here BEFORE the exchange rate which I think would almost double that figure again…

January 8, 2009

Craigslist is my best friend when I am moving or looking for cars and stuff like that.