My Weight Loss Plan and other “grown up” goals!








 My other life changing goal: Keeping my house clean enough for guests to stop by at any time. I want to start the "20 minutes a day" cleaning routine. I will do a major clean twice a month to mop all the floors and such. but I think if I get the house in tip top shape and do 20 mintues a day, I can maintain it. Rather than the lazy slob way I do things where I stare at it all week and then half do stuff on weekends.

I practiced last night and folded a bunch of laundry and cleaned my kids bathroom sink. It felt nice. If I get Baboo to remind me and nag me, I should be able to do it!

I also want to hand clean the cushions on my couch and eventually get a slip cover for it so that I don’t feel so ashamed to have people come over and sit with me! I also hate sitting on the couch and avoid my living room. That is stupid. With a clean couch and a slip cover, the room will be more inviting!

I wonder if this is me growing up.


I’m gonna also play Sims 2 this weekend. The bug has bitten me and I want to play. Screw Sims 3 not working on my PC!!!! I’ll take pics and dazzle you next week.
















Well, I succombed to cake.

But it was strawberry short cake so I did ok… I even put in everything I ate into my sparkpeople thingie and it came out to 520 something calories. Not GREAT for a single meal, but with my lunch coming in just under 300 calories, I’m ok.

Dinner has to be slim if I’m gonna stay under 1300 calories (that’s a self imposed limit)… but even if I got up to 1500 calories I’m ok. I just want to stay under 1500.

So what is my diet plan?

Well, here’s the sad reality:

I am 5’1 and I weigh 162 pounds.

I need to lose at least 2 pounds before my next doctors appt, but I hope I can lose at least 4 or 5!

My goal weight is 120 pounds, but I am making more feasible goals of 1.5 to 2 pounds a week. It’ll rock if I can do more, but ya know, gotta be real about it.

I am going to try to use the weight watchers info one of my beautimous favs sent me. I’m a little overwhelmed because it seems like a lot of steps to calculate points and stuff. I guess that’s why people join, so they can just get into a website or get a book and it’s easier than bouncing around to several different places…

but regardless. I’ll try it. I was able to make a menu for the last month that I stuck to 90% of the time, so I think if I plan out my meals again, I should be able to stay on track.

I am, regardless of it all, putting myself on a "salad a day" diet… either lunch or dinner will be a salad. Mostly chicken, but if I make steak or pork at home, I’ll use the meat in a salad and skip the high cal/carb sides like rice and potatoes and pasta. I am going to eat breakfast, even though I hate it. I will even try to make myself do it on weekends, even though I hate eating in the morning when I’m home. I’m just weird like that.

I will do the weight watchers but also put my calories into my sparkpeople thingie so I can stay accountable to myself.

I currently have 2 amazing AWESOME email diet buddies that are invaluable…. and will listen to me rant and rave and list what I’m eating every day. ha ha.

Baboo is going to do the diet with me, so that’s super good cuz I’ll have someone suffering with me.

I am going to cut down sweets to once a week.

Sweets include pepsi and sodas. Unless it’s diet. So I have to savor every Pepsi I consume until I am at a more managable place.

I am also cutting alcohol down to what fits into my caloric / ww points break down. If I have no room for a beer, then I don’t get one!!!

It will make my beers last longer. ha ha.

I am going to work out at least 3 times a week. I’m shooting for 4 to 5 times though.

I am going to do DDR on the days that Baboo and I don’t go to the gym.

I am going to work my gym work outs up to an hour. I usually do 30 minutes, but next time we go, I’ll try to do 40. I’m also going to see if I can get into a spinning class.

I jus checked and there is a spinning class on saturday mornings. I have to pay 30 bucks for 10 fitness plus classes, but they also have some dance aerobics classes during the week that I might want to do, so I think that the 30 bucks is probably worth it. I can’t do that till next month though…


so yeah. I’m definitely stepping it up. I need to. I have a huge goal I want to attain. I want to be fit and healthy so that I can stay alive for my living children and give the best possible nest for my future child to grow in. It’s so funny, because baboo is like "what if you had twins. I want a boy and a girl" lol.

He’s so funny.

Twins DO run in my family on both sides when women have children "later" in life. Ya never know. I know my boyfriend though, he’s gonna fall in complete googly moogly love with his baby and want another. He won’t admit it though.

I’d give him 2 kids if he wanted.

We’d need a mini van tho.

ANYWAY, I’m very focused and serious about this and I hope to get down to 120 and maintain it for the rest of my life.

I think I’m up so high because I’ve never really stuck with losing the weight for long enough. My body has small bones, so I think it’ll like having less stomach to lug around! ha ha.

Plus, I can’t fit any of my damn clothes and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna go buy bigger clothes because I can’t bother myself to lose weight.


I actually hate that phrase, but I think it all the time. ha ha.

anyway, lunch is in an hour and I can probably knock some work out so I can fiddle around with my Nanowrimo ideas after lunch!

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October 27, 2009

Excellent plan!

I have to mop every week at LEAST. Sometimes more than that. I hate mopping. lol

Sounds like you’ve got great and promising plans! Best of luck, you can do it!!!! We’ll all be here to cheer you on along the way! 🙂

October 27, 2009

It’s great to have plans. Stick to your plans 🙂

October 27, 2009

Sounds like a plan. I hope you do well at it. I know you can. 🙂

October 27, 2009

Sounds like a feasible weight. Good luck!

October 27, 2009

Drink a gallon of water a day, it flushes you super fast and you can lose a good few pounds before the appt. Good luck!

October 27, 2009

I mop daily. Blah.

October 27, 2009

SIMS 2 is better anyway! Sounds like you have the plan and the motivation! You go!

October 27, 2009

Good plan! Yes… Lots of water drinking is key. If you hate to drink plain water, Crystal Light helps! I’ll cheerlead for you! 😉

October 27, 2009

You can do it! And I have 4, you can have 4!! 🙂 I like your cleaning idea. I have the same issues. It’s depressing being home and praying no one stops by unexpectedly…

October 27, 2009

awesome plan yay for getting healthy!

Good luck with the diet. You sound just like me on the house cleaning front. Right now I am looking around thinking I should clean, but I wont. Nope, I will most likey go take a nap before starting supper.

October 27, 2009

You really should try ww – it’s absolutely fantastic. My mum was on it for a while, and as weird as it sounds, I used it to recover from my ED, because although I was trying to GAIN weight, it’s all about eating the right amount and the right things. It’s important to look at the saturated fat as well as the calories – sat fat is what stores up in your body and makes you gain weight.

October 27, 2009

My plan is almost the same as yours. I’m 5’2 and up to 160! I’ve never had to worry about what I ate until the last few years. Now the pounds just keep adding up! getting older sucks. I use (i actually think its livestrong now, with one testicle lance armstrong) Its good for adding up calories and such. GOOD LUCK!

October 27, 2009

You’re cute. Good luck with the dieting!!!! You can do it!

October 28, 2009

Great plan. But, think about this. It really isn’t all about weight. It’s about inches. You may not loose any weight but if you look thinner and your clothes feel better then you are getting there. Muscle weights like 7x more then fat. 🙂

Twins run in my family too. My dad’s mom had a twin brother, and they say the “twin-gene” skips a generation. You also have a better chance if the twins in your family are fraternal, since identical twins are a random act of nature. Phill and I are hoping for twin boys. And diet soda is bad for you. Just saying… it makes you more bloated. I forget why, but we had this discussion in my math class once. Odd, I know, but there were a lot of culinary students offering diet advice to our instructor.