my mind is running in quadruple time
New ticker!!!
Woohoo! My reproductive organs are working! (Mommy, are you prepped for the birds and the bees talk?) I’m 18 weeks old, only 154 days to go!
1. 154 days seems like a long damn time!
2. My oldest is going to be 11 this year and I still dont’ want to talk about him and any birds, bees, giraffes, sasquatches, ANY OF IT. Blah!!! I know I have to eventually, but BLAAAAAAAH!
3. I’m feeling fat, wavering between wanting to hide my belly and show it off because there IS a baby in there somewhere!
4. This moving business is freaking me out. Like I’m getting REALLY NERVOUS. Moving costs a buttload of money damn it! We are trying to get our utilities set up and all those start fees are building up like crazy.
AND THEN… we have to try and get our appliances, but I think it’ll work.
As much as I don’t want to, I do have 800 bucks in Best Buy Credit. Add a couple hundree more and we can get a decent energy efficient fridge (as it stands now, the one we use probably sucks up 150 to 200 bucks in electricity per month, because it’s old and stupid and we just aren’t going to pay that if we don’t have to!). At the end of the month when I get my second pay check, we can afford to get a washer. That means we will be hanging clothes to dry for a few weeks, but that never kills anyone does it? Might make the clothes a little stiff, but whatever. I might see if I can rig a clothesline in the backyard. Wouldn’t that be cute?!
But knowing my luck, my dogs will tear all the clothes down and I’ll want to murder them. Maybe I won’t do that. lol.
Then when I get my first paycheck in April we’ll get the dryer and we’ll be set.
We’ll be saving most, if not all, of my money after that. We will only spend what we need to get baby stuff. So far, I want this:
*Baby Co Sleeper Bassinette Contraption (I don’t know which yet,I’m wavering between two kinds)
*Car seat and stroller combo (I loved the one I had before and so I want another like that)
*Moby Wrap
*Baby clothes and diapers, blankets, spit up clothes and all that
*Breast Pump (So I can pump some milk so Baboo can help feed sometimes. We can always get this a little after the baby is born if we don’t have the money for it now.)
That’s about all I’m gonna worry with at first. I know that I will have a small shower (I want to have one online!! Like I did for my Bachelorette Picture Burning party lol) but I dont’ really KNOW a lot of people. I think if the people from my job throw me one (which I’m sure they will, a lot of them are so excited) then I will just have my mom and sisters. LOL, that’s not a shower. so whatever. I think I just want to see if people will get me things to help so i know what else I have to buy. If nobody gets me shit, then I know I have to buy everything. lol.
No big.
See what happens when you’re anti social?
See how much I care.
So that’s how my head is this morning.
I’m going crazy, making lists, freaking out.
I have to take a few days off work near the end of the month and I’m tapped out (On purpose, I really want to resign with little to no time left in my sick and vacation banks. I want to clean them OUT, use it alllll) so I may have to take a day or so without pay. It shouldn’t be too detrimental. blaaah.
I’m going to try and be REALLY GOOD In April and May. No getting sick Monique!
I have to work on my "manual" so that whoever has to do my shit knows what to do. It is going to suck a little to leave here when this section is so short staffed, BUT, they are already kililng this section anyway (as in transferring everyone somewhere else) so I can’t get too upset about it. They’ll make it work, I have my family as my priority now.
I love my husband so much for working to get us to this point. I mean, he didn’t have to, but as soon as it was needed, he stepped up.
He can be a pain in my butt, but he’s so awesome too.
Anyway, I should go do some work and slowly but surely start cleanign things up. I don’t want to do it all at once, I’m not telling anyone I’m resigning yet. I want to wait until a week or so before I turn in my letter. I keep thinking something terrible will happen and I’ll end up having to stay. lol. NOOOOO. lol.
I can’t think like that though. we have very solid plans, firm foundation. We’ll be ok. But there is always a plan B. I plan on applying for a promotinal exam (that I think I can do pretty well on!) and just getting on the hiring list before I go. If something terrible happens, I’ll at least be on a list, and as long as I do well we can only hope that it will be a viable option for later on.
I don’t know! We’ll see!
I’m allll over the place.
let me shut up.
ok, i’m leaving.
for now.
loveyoupeople! *muah!*
Oh yeah, I have a ticker. Look at that!
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do you have good insurance? I had two friends who somehow through their insurance were able to buy a breast pump at a discount, it would be worth looking into!
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Your pregnancy is flying by, how is it that you’re already this far? Anyway, congratulations on moving again. Everything will fall into place. Don’t stress too much, get excited!
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When you have moved the last box out of your current place, you should go knock on your neighbors door and say “So long you psychotic bitch” or write a note and tape it somewhere your landlord can’t see, warning the next people who move in about the crazy hag. <3 Annie-Rae
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You can also rent a breast pump for cheap from the hospital. Have you looked at craigslist for appliances?
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I am so happy for you! Everything is coming together! But you know what REALLY REALLY sucks? I am not even kidding… I have BOTH a fridge AND a dryer sitting in my yard collecting dust. :/
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r: I just looked up what I was thinking of. It’s done kind of like with in vitro techniques and from what understand has pretty high success rates. I’d imagine it would be $$$$ too. Oh well. I’ll just adopt my girl(s) whenever that time comes. For some reason I was thinking of some kind of gene inhibitor which would prevent a fetus from developing into a male. Must have been some bad sci-fi I ran across somewhere.
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You’re not fat, you’re beautiful! Show that belly off you sexy mama!!!
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I was thinking of throwing you an online shower… like if we sent you stuff you could only open it at the shower! You’d have packages and we’d watch. 😉
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ugh, i hate writing manuals. i love picking out new appliances though…
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you’re so cute i can’t wait for baby time yayyy! 🙂
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Adress missy address!!! Your OD family will help you and you know this MAN! LOL. Have you looked into renting an applicance from rent a center or something? I dont even know if you have those where you are. I’m so glad everything is working out.
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nesting is setting in!! Show off your belly! This isn’t your first kid, and after the first your belly shows sooner and sooner with each kid so more likely than not – THAT’S BABY BELLY! Be proud… you don’t get to do it for long 🙂 Let me know when you register (WHEN!!) and under what name so I can send you a gift that you actually want/need. Relax chica; everything’s gonna be just fine.
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Have I mentioned it…moving sucks, but sounds like you have a plan. I have to try to get my sister and my daughter’s friend to come help me pack all the little stuff i just have no patience for…Bah. Good luck though and it may be stressful but at least it is the kind of stress you want, given a choice of course.
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I want to get you something! Do you have a registry?
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So happy for you….so many good things happening to you!!
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Do you like all of the Moby wraps? I get so confused by that stuff because when I look at them it seems like there are many different options. I’ve only seen the ones on though, perhaps they are just different colours instead of different designs. I plan on working on my manual tomorrow and Friday, Friday from home though.
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