My Baboo is Crazy

Ok, so it’s time to finish my little 3 part series!

I have been texting with Love Muffin all day and we are both so giddy. We’re gonna have too much fun! ah!

Ok, so anyway, I left off when I was fighting evil traffic and getting really nervous about Baboo. I wasn’t sure if there was some sort of "situation" around his job that was dangerous. But it would be weird cuz his job is like in the middle of "old person ville" so really… were the old people having a fight over who won Bingo? I don’t know..

but he wasn’t kidding. He seemed really scared which made me scared!

So I finally get to him and he’s already walking down the street. He looked all distraught and was carrying his bag to his chest like he was just in a mood. He also looked homeless. ha. His eyes were all squinty and weird and my first thought was that he had been drinking or smoking pot or something, because he just wasn’t right! He looked all ragged too, I didn’t know what to make of it. He was all "Thank god you’re here! I was so scared!"

and I was like "Scared of what…"

him: "the silence"

me: *blink*

Yeah… so I tried to ask him what he had done and he kept saying he hadn’t done anything, and that turned into him telling me he’d let me know later, and that turned into him saying he had taken a pill he found at the bottom of his backpack… and it was making him freak out.

He thought that he heard people having sex for 2 hours in the stairwell. *blink*

He said his office furniture was talking to him. (and moving and stuff in response ot his questions and statements)

*blink blink*

He said that the computer parts on this table behind his desk started to have sex.

*blink blink…. blink!!!!*

Yes, the boy was tripping out.

He thought he saw my  kids in the car when they weren’t there.

He was a total mess.

He claims the pill was Ambien, but I thought that was just a sleeping pill. I guess it can also cause hallucinations and insanity too.

Oh joy.

Oddly, I was relieved he was with me instead of going crazy all alone. I guess he hadn’t gone home since Christmas.

Want to know what he was doing that was so important on Christmas that he couldn’t talk to me?

Hanging out with his friend… AT A STRIP BAR.

Are you fucking serious?

Yes I am.


He told me that in his delirium too. He claims he didn’t get any dances or whatever because he had no money. but of course, if he DID have money, he’d have been partying it up… ON CHRISTMAS.


He’s an idiot. He knows I’m mad at him about it. But I’m just not going to let it make me so mad that my New Years is ruined. But he will hear my disdain every chance I get… and he’s also smoking again. He smelled awful. I beat him up about that too.

But yeah, I’m not so mad I want to have a big rousing fight, which is even more odd because I’m  on my period and I should be hormonal as all get out… but I still feel pretty calm.

He’s not getting off the hook. The hook is just postponed.


So yeah, we went and got some food and then went home. We ate, I took a shower, and suddenly he became a cuddle monster! Like seriously, he just wanted to cuddle and hold me and he was saying all this sweet stuff (like how he didn’t want to be anywhere but with me, and he missed me so, and every time I’d move he’d say "come back, i need your love"… so crazy, but cute. I’m obviously a sucker)… mixed in with crazy rants about nothing and had nothing to do with anything we were talking about.

Example I was talking about my new years and he’s all "did you get that form? Are you gonna share that drink?"


it makes me laugh, but really, he was on one. At one point he was like looking around all crazy and he said "I saw water!"


It almost seemed contagious because I was so overwhelmed by  my own fatigue.

We both fell asleep before 9, no joke. We were just TIRED… and he was on drugs.

Anyhow, he kept waking me up moving around and talking in his sleep. He even humped MY LEG this time and said "You want a piece of this. You know you want this. I want a piece of that" it was funny. And he kept groping my boobies. I liked that part ha ha. At some point in the night i took my shirt off and he was like "Oh, boobies… i was having dreams about boobies"

ha ha.


Anyway, this morning I couldn’t get him to wake up (and for some strange reason he just looked really cute. ha ha he needs a shave and a haircut bad! but he still looked like a little doll) so he stayed at my house and I came on in to work.

And here I am!

ta daaaa!

I talked to him a few times today and he seems to be back on this planet with me. he really  needs to stay away from all pills!!!!

I did try to convince him to buy me Dance Dance Revolution for my playstation 2… but he won’t. He wants me to get him a pillow for  a "New Years present"


crazy boy! He’s such a brat.

but now that I think about it, I’m sorta getting a present for New Years, going up to see Love Muffin and hang out with her and have a rabble rousing good ole tiiiiiiiiiime.

I can’t wait.

and Baboo might let me borrow his camera and I can take lots of cool pics. As a matter of fact he BETTER let me use his camera damn it! I need to take some good pics! rawr!

Anyhow, I need to get back to whatever work I should be doing.

I wish I had some gum.

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December 29, 2008

I wonder what the f*ck he took because I’ll make sure to avoid it.

December 29, 2008

oh yes, ambien does do that sort of thing if you don’t go to bed right after taking it. miguel has had some scary hallucinations and crap and has said some pretty wild stuff when he’s taken them. be sure if he ever has one again to send him straight to bed! lol

December 29, 2008

haha- oh here’s a random pill, lets see waht it does! I totally read your last few entries, sounds like a fun time 🙂

December 29, 2008

Why did he take a pill? And you seem like you’re looking forward to your visit with Love Muffin. Hope you enjoy your visit with Her.! 🙂 Hugs.!

December 29, 2008

Oh and Ryn:

December 29, 2008

Ha ha. You are always so random. I’d be pissed about the christmas thing too.

December 29, 2008

That’s insane!

December 30, 2008

I know you love Baboo but I think he’s a bad “drug” for you. =( Baboo needs serious help. = I take ambien sometimes and NEVER have hallucinations – Never, never, never. I don’t believe for one minute that was ambien. Hey – Hope you have a great time with your love muffin. Be safe and Happy New Years!