Mondays Suck!

Mondays suck… they suck my big toe… they suck my butt… they suck poop… they suck garbage can lids… they suck the bathroom floor… I could go on and on. I’m so freakin sleepy and I’m so worn out. I can’t even really type, thus this entry is bound to end soon… I keep spelling things wrong and the backspace button is starting to stick and I’m going crazy. If i misspell on more AHHHHH o-n-e more word, i’m going to scream. and i did. sigh. Yup, it’s monday arlgith….=(

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I hear ya…Mondays are the worst!!

Happy 100th Entry!!! I know how ya feel. *hugs* Hope your Monday gets better! ~

*Big Huggs* thank goodness monday is only one day a week right? 🙂 Give the little one a hug for me 🙂