Ok… I wasn’t kidding.


I do look like a stick.

and in my deliriously vogue way, i took some stick pictures. One of them, I look fat as a whale, and it bothers me because that means I only have six pictures to post. Which, for whatever reason makes me nervous.

so, if i take some random picture and post it later, you know why…

and here is me… as a stick:

the solemn standing stick.

Pre make up.

Pre wake up.

Want a nappy, please.

evil stick eyes. sleepy evil stick eyes.

Ok, so it’s sideways. kill me.

but that’s the strong stick pose.

So strong.

what a great powerful stick.

the trick or treat stick.

Oh yes.

Scary… and I shall fill his pumpkiny head with candy in a few minutes!

A dead stick.

Yes. I’m on the floor.

Shut up.

If you were as tired as I was, you’d do it too.

And right before someone walked into the office, I took this:

yes. much stickly fun.


i forgot i have computer training today.

for three long hours.

I’ll probably fall asleep… simply because it’s about windows xp, which i already know how to use.

it will also be about ethics and the policies of what you should and should not do on the citys precious computers. i won’t be the only one zoning out on that speech and never following their damn rules.

unless they throw in the threat of having a personal log that is reviewed every month.

that will scare me.

ok. and away with my sticky self.



don’t make me beat you with a stick…

or something




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October 31, 2006

how does your phone take pics from so far away? teach me.

October 31, 2006

OMG I can’t imagine the faces if someone walked in on you on the floor lol

October 31, 2006

ryn: yeah that’s why i wrote “twice” ahhahah 😉

October 31, 2006

ryn2: yeah ive done that, it still doesn’t work great. what light setting do you have yours on?

October 31, 2006

Put on an orange wig and be a stick on fire.

October 31, 2006

hehe i put my foot up on my desk a lot too, more when no one is here like today… i want a stick sweater so i can feel like a stick because i usually feel like a whale!

October 31, 2006

Your such a nice stick!

Ohh pretty stick!!! <3 Annie-Rae

October 31, 2006

Loveeeee the new pics of you!!

Aintchoo a doll /pinches cheeks Chris

October 31, 2006

such a sexy stick though 😉

STICKS RULE!!!! Nice pics. Ha ha. 🙂

October 31, 2006

you do stick so well!

October 31, 2006
November 2, 2006

strange strange woman