Sadly, I’m not up to par with writing entries.

I feel wobbly and weak. I probably need to eat, but I’m scared to a little. I ate yesterday, so i should be ok.

But I had to get up and walk around and the nausea and dizziness came over me and now the thought of food makes my stomach turn.

and turn.

and turn.


I didn’t bring any lunch with me.

so I have to go walking to get something.

I’m scared I won’t make it. I’ll just fall out in the hallway or something. ha.

I sorta want a sandwich, but it almost feels like it’ll be too heavy and it won’t digest right.

I’m a mess.

My legs feel weak just sitting and I had to go to the fax and stood there wobbling like an idiot.


Oh well.

Just gotta make it through today!

So, Puppy and Ember have a special relationship. Puppy is obviously a dog, and Ember is a cat.

Well she’s in heat, sticking her butt up in his face (MIND YOU: she doesn’t like him when she’s NOT sticking her butt up in his face…)… and he obliges by giving her some oral loving.

Yes, my dog licks my cats butt.

a lot.

It’s disconcerting and wrong on many levels.

Heaven only knows what goes through their heads.


Puppy: You have a strange smell other furry person…

Ember: MATE WITH ME!!!

Puppy: Hmm, wonder what this strange smell tastes like.

Ember: OH YES! MATE WITH ME!!!!!

Puppy: Weird, but… delicious


and so it goes.

Roxy has nothing to do with Puppy (and yes, I call him Puppy as his name!)… but she doesn’t have anything to do with any of us cuz she’s one of those really bitchy cats that hates everyone.


Uhhh, what else.

I had stuff to say, but really I should probably start hobbling to lunch so I can get some food before I die.

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June 17, 2009
June 17, 2009

puppy on kitty lovin’.Aw Sheeit.

June 17, 2009

..Must make sandwhich…and pair dog and cat together..

June 17, 2009

I got that warm, fuzzy Saw You on the Front Page feeling just now! Woot! Dogs are kinda notorious for eating some nasty stuff. I’m sure licking isn’t that far of a stretch. Careful…he’ll be dining on Kitty Box Krunchies in no time. *barfs*

June 17, 2009

RYN: I call Rae “Puppy”…all the time when talking to people in RL. lol. I shouda just called her Puppy…hahaha.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

June 17, 2009

*grin* Inter species mating… CATDOG!

June 17, 2009

UGH… nice visual with your inter species relations going on in the Choas Household. *grin* Feel better and hope some magical food fairy drops something on your desk…

I’m so freaked out. And maybe a little aroused.

June 17, 2009

I think a plain sandwich would be ok.

June 17, 2009

He totally likes the taste of her poop. Dogs are gross. I’m sure you let him kiss you after he’s done licking her butt too

June 17, 2009

Dude… I’m going out of my mind with all the stress and not everyone is being 100% understanding. I mean, I have people turning their backs on me because they can’t handle me like this (as if I can HELP the way I am), my cell is blowing up with text messages from people, and I am no where near done packing the room to any move-able degree. I am just so tired of everything. I want to sleep fora million years. Oh, and yeah. Heaven forbid I don’t put the disclaimer sign up… and still, it doesn’t always stop the questions.

June 17, 2009

Sorry for unloading that in your notes, lol… I’m just at a loss… *sigh*

June 17, 2009

i call my husband puppy because we cant have one. he answers to it.


June 17, 2009

Is it a stomach thing or are you preggo? And yeah…sort of ewww and weird about the dog and the cat!

June 17, 2009

UHLLLLL! YUCK! That visual kind of f*cked my stomach up, ha ha haha. Poor puppy, he doesn’t know any better. I think a lot of people call their puppies puppy. We still do it. Cupid thinks that is his name. He answers to puppy and cupid

June 17, 2009

very weird but anytime I hear you say “delicious” I have to read more!

yes, eating before you die is a good thing. *smile* I’ve heard that eating after you die…’s not really very satisfying. *grin*

June 18, 2009

I hope you got food and felt better! My dog enjoys eating the ummmm….stuff in the kitty litter. NASTY!

Kinky animals. What’s that nasty kiss called during THAT time of month… a rainbow kiss?