lucky penny spaghetti











 I just found a lucky penny on the ground! I hope it’s truly that!













So last night I was gonna make sausage spaghetti. It’s become one of my favorite things to cook because it’s been coming out JAMMIN and delicious! Because of the social worker, I wasn’t able to complete it in time for dinner so it’s waiting to be simmered when my brother gets home.

It’s gonna be so yum.

Instead, Baboo and I went out and bought umbrellas (for the sudden rain storm that has hit so cal) and then got pizza.

The pizza was excellent.

I love really hot pizza with stringy cheese that sorta burns but it burns SO GOOD.

On Facebook, I love making pizza in cafe world.

I am insane.

I can make voodoo chicken salad now.

hells to the yeah!


I suck.

I wake up 10 minutes earlier than normal so I an manage a few facebook apps.


Especially Cafe world. Gotta have stuff cooking all day so I can serve it when I get home! ha ha.

I’ve sucked in a lot of my friends into that game. I’d like to take credit for that. It rocks. It’s fun.

food is involved. I’ve always loved food games.

I wish I could play at work, but alas, they have taken away my distraction.

I talked about this yesterday.

thankfully, I’ve had work to fill the hours.

But I still take breaks to read favs.

I shall start some writing today, so look out for some BBD.

I am also going to ressurect an old "alternate" diary I used to have and start putting my zombie stuff there.

stay tuuuuned.

nanowrimo is coming up like GANG BUSTERS.

Oddly, I haven’t gotten a single email from them. They usuallly start sending stuff out by now. I should go make sure I’m still enrolled…

that will be all pig, that will be all.

Speaking of zombies, I didn’t really mention how I got Left 4 Dead on my computer. It is DEFINITELY a scary game. The graphics are amazing. You are walking through these dark rooms with just your gun and a flashlight and you see a zombie int he corner sorta swaying and groaning. SUPER SCARY.

Then suddenly, !!!! zombies start flying at you in hordes and shit. I’m pretty sure I peed my pants the first time a "panic event" happened. They jumped up through a hole in the floor and there had to be like 100 of them!

Good thing I was invincible!

Not so much my computer partners.

I shot a bunch of them.


I need a better computer so I can get the new one (Left 4 Dead 2) and try to play online. That is probably AMAZINGLY FUN. This game was MEANT for online co-op play for sure.

I bet if I tried long enough, I could get good at it. Especially since I wouldn’t be playing alone.


i’m boring aren’t i.

damn it.

(and if you didn’t read it, the previous entry explains the whole social worker fiasco. bah!)

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October 14, 2009

Sounds like you’re in a better mood- yay! Damn I really want pizza now.

October 14, 2009

Mmm I love spaghetti!

i want spaghetti!

October 14, 2009

I never finish nanowrimo. I dunno if I should even bother. I should try CafeWorld. Send me an invite?

October 14, 2009

Oh great… now I want that game too… argh…

October 14, 2009

You ARE the one that got me addicted to Cafe World. I just hate how long it takes to go up levels. I want to buy more shit to decorate my Cafe. lol.

Left 4 Dead was awesome. What was the name of the girl zombie that would scream and totally claw your face off? Some kind of witch? I hated that bitch.

First: Cafe world always glitches out on me. Bitches! Second: When I was at Gamestop yesterday I saw Left 4 Dead 2 and was like “Oooh”. Alas, it was $60 and hells to the no. *Whispers* Even though I did splurge my ass off and spent *cough* 40 *cough* for my beloved Sackboy.

October 14, 2009

omfg i want hot cheesy pizza… mmm

October 14, 2009

pizza sounds amazing